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Last active January 13, 2018 20:33
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Fix/workaround for PC throttling
// tested working in
// chrome (canary) v65
// chrome v63
// firefox v57
var alertSound = document.getElementById('alert-sound');
var audioFixStarted = false;
// uses the same test that PC uses
var scriptHidden = false;
function detectUnfocus() {
// console.log('checking focus');
var previousTime = (detectUnfocus.savedTime) || new Date().getTime();
detectUnfocus.savedTime = new Date().getTime();
if ((detectUnfocus.savedTime - previousTime) > 900) {
scriptHidden = true;
if (!alertSound) console.log('script hidden');
} else {
scriptHidden = false;
if (!alertSound) console.log('script not hidden');
function addExternalScriptCheck() {
gExtInterval = setInterval(detectUnfocus, 500);
// set up and play a quiet low-frequency sound
// browsers won't throttle tabs playing audio
function setupFixSound() {
// don't need to run this more than once
if (audioFixStarted) return;
audioFixStarted = true;
// this comes from the examples on
var audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
var oscillator = audioCtx.createOscillator();
var gainNode = audioCtx.createGain();
// could try other types besides sine wave
// triangle sounds okay
oscillator.type = 'sine';
// this seems to be about the lowest volume before the browser ignores the sound
// tested it by lowering and checking if the sound icon showed up on the tab
// gainNode.gain.setTargetAtTime(0.1, audioCtx.currentTime, 0.1);
gainNode.gain.setTargetAtTime(0.0004, audioCtx.currentTime, 0);
// picked a low frequency to make it less noticeable
// too low and i noticed some audio 'crackling'
// with 100 there's a slight crackle when the sound starts but that's it
oscillator.frequency.setTargetAtTime(100, audioCtx.currentTime + 1, 0.5);
// oscillator.frequency.setTargetAtTime(100, audioCtx.currentTime + 0.1, 0.5);
// debugging:
window.stop = function () {
// in later chrome versions, there has to be a user gesture on the page before audio is allowed to play
// clicking in the page works, even pressing a key on the page works
// don't need to listen for the event but you may get errors otherwise
// this also works for playing <audio> tags like in update() below
window.addEventListener('click', setupFixSound);
window.addEventListener('keypress', setupFixSound);
// setupFixSound();
function update() {
if (alertSound && scriptHidden);
else alertSound.pause();
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<!-- nothing special, just an mp3 used as an alert if tab is unfocused -->
<!-- i used one of the beeps from but it doesn't matter -->
<!-- remove element to just use console.log -->
<audio id='alert-sound' src='./beep.mp3'></audio>
<script src='script.js'></script>
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