Dada la lista de definiciones de abajo:
module.exports = haki => { | |
haki.setGenerator('the:truth', { | |
description: "Display if it's true, or not", | |
arguments: ['verb', 'value'], | |
abortOnFail: true, | |
actions(input) { | |
const { verb, value } = input; | |
if (verb === 'is' && parseInt(value, 10) === 42) { | |
console.log('Gotcha!'); |
<?php | |
$start = memory_get_usage(true); | |
define('INPUT_FILE', $argv[1]); | |
define('IS_DECODE', array_search('--decode', $argv) !== false); | |
if (!is_file(INPUT_FILE)) { | |
echo "Invalid or missing input.\n"; | |
echo "Usage: php extract-xml.php download.xml [--decode]\n"; |
#!/bin/bash | |
set -eu | |
echo "$( tr '\n' ' ' < vars.json | jq -r 'keys[] as $k | "export \($k)=\"\(.[$k])\""' )" | |
# usage: | |
# ./ > .env | |
#. source .env | |
# echo "$SOME_ENV_VALUE" |
vgchange -a y | |
mkdir /newroot | |
mount /dev/yourVG/rootLV /newroot | |
mount /dev/yourbootpartition /newroot/boot | |
mount -o bind /dev /newroot/dev | |
mount -o bind /sys /newroot/sys | |
mount -o bind /var /newroot/var | |
mount -o bind /proc /newroot/proc |
hr,iframe{border:0}.is-loading,select{background-repeat:no-repeat}.button-group a,.field-item>a,a{text-decoration:none}.info-table,.json-table,table{border-collapse:collapse}html{box-sizing:border-box}*,:after,:before{box-sizing:inherit}body,html{height:100%}blockquote,body,dd,dl,dt,fieldset,figure,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,hr,html,iframe,legend,li,ol,p,pre,textarea,ul{margin:0;padding:0}h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{font-size:100%;font-weight:400}ul{list-style:none}button,input,select,textarea{margin:0}.json-form,hr{margin-bottom:12px}audio,embed,iframe,img,object,video{height:auto;max-width:100%}table{border-spacing:0}td,th{padding:0;text-align:left}a,body,button,input{font-family:Helvetica;color:#000}svg{max-width:1em;max-height:1em}svg.big{max-width:1.5em;max-height:1.5em}svg.small{max-width:.75em;max-height:.75em}small{color:#aaa;font-size:.8em}a{color:#999}a:hover{color:#000}a:hover svg{fill:#000}.has-icon>a svg,.has-icon>span svg,a svg{fill:#999}a svg{vertical-align:middle}hr{border-top:1px dashed #aaa;margin-top:12px}but |
Given sources with similar content:
anySymbolHere.stub(anObject, stringRef, hoistedFn);
anySymbolHere.stub(anObject, 'anyMethodCallAsString', () => true);
Execute the following command in your terminal:
sed -i '' 's/.stub(\(.*\), \(.*\));/.stub(\1).callsFake(\2);/g' *.js
'use strict'; | |
const IS_LIVE = process.argv.slice(2).indexOf('--live') > -1; | |
require('debug').enable('*'); | |
const Grown = require('./_plugs/grown'); | |
Grown.use(require('./_plugs/router')); | |
Grown.use(require('./_plugs/test')); |
// this "can" simulate the real issue behind | |
global.Reflect = global.Reflect || {}; | |
global.Reflect.ownKeys = null; | |
// this will call `Ctor.toString()` at some point, | |
// and there will be dragons (fix with String(Ctor) huh?) | |
require('vue-template-compiler'); |
#!/bin/bash | |
SRC="$HOME/sites" | |
DEST="/etc/caddy" | |
setup() { | |
SITE_CONF="$(cat $SRC/$1/Caddyfile)" | |
SITE_HOST="$(cat $SRC/$1/HOSTS)" | |
SITE_CONF="$(echo "$SITE_CONF" | sed "s/localhost/$SITE_HOST/g" )" |