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Chirag Patel patelcp

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# A BoxStarter script for use with
# Updates a Windows machine and installs a range of developer tools
# Allow unattended reboots
$checkpointPrefix = 'BoxStarter:Checkpoint:'
patelcp / ExcludeStandardFields.ps1
Created January 9, 2022 22:06 — forked from michaellwest/ExcludeStandardFields.ps1
Find the fields used by a template, excluding the standard template fields in Sitecore PowerShell Extensions.
# Create a list of field names on the Standard Template. This will help us filter out extraneous fields.
$standardTemplate = Get-Item -Path "master:" -ID ([Sitecore.TemplateIDs]::StandardTemplate.ToString())
$standardTemplateTemplateItem = [Sitecore.Data.Items.TemplateItem]$standardTemplate
$standardFields = $standardTemplateTemplateItem.OwnFields + $standardTemplateTemplateItem.Fields | Select-Object -ExpandProperty key -Unique
# Change the Id to something other than the Sample Item template.
$itemTemplate = Get-Item -Path "master:" -ID "{76036F5E-CBCE-46D1-AF0A-4143F9B557AA}"
$itemTemplateTemplateItem = [Sitecore.Data.Items.TemplateItem]$itemTemplate
$itemTemplateFields = $itemTemplateTemplateItem.OwnFields + $itemTemplateTemplateItem.Fields | Select-Object -ExpandProperty key -Unique
patelcp / TemplateFieldsReport.ps1
Created June 22, 2021 16:31
Sitecore PowerShell Module - Reporting
$TemplateID = "{guid}"
# Create a list of field names on the Standard Template. This will help us filter out extraneous fields.
$standardTemplate = Get-Item -Path "master:" -ID ([Sitecore.TemplateIDs]::StandardTemplate.ToString())
$standardTemplateTemplateItem = [Sitecore.Data.Items.TemplateItem]$standardTemplate
$standardFields = $standardTemplateTemplateItem.OwnFields + $standardTemplateTemplateItem.Fields | Select-Object -ExpandProperty key -Unique
# Change the Id to something other than the Sample Item template.
$itemTemplate = Get-Item -Path "master:" -ID $TemplateID
$itemTemplateTemplateItem = [Sitecore.Data.Items.TemplateItem]$itemTemplate
patelcp / Update workflow and state of content items.ps1
Created June 5, 2021 13:09 — forked from marcduiker/Update workflow and state of content items.ps1
Sitecore PowerShell script that creates a report listing content items which has no workflow set while their templates have the Default workflow field set.
Update Workflow and Workflow state of content items which have no workflow set while their templates have the Default workflow field set.
This script can be used when existing content is not assigned to a workflow and workflow state while it should be.
This scenario usually occurs when a workflow is assigned to a template but there is already content created based on a previous version of that template (where the workflow was not yet assigned).
patelcp / DeviceDetection.disable.config
Last active October 21, 2020 16:52
Sitecore Fix: WARNING Authentication on CES Discovery service failed.
<configuration xmlns:patch="">
      <setting name="DeviceDetection.Enabled">
        <patch:attribute name="value">false</patch:attribute>
patelcp / Test-SitecoreAssemblyList.ps1
Created December 29, 2017 21:48 — forked from richardszalay/Test-SitecoreAssemblyList.ps1
Validates a Sitecore "Assembly list" (from against a folder
.PARAMETER AssemblyList
The assembly list text file downloaded from
.PARAMETER AssemblyFolder
The folder containing the Sitecore assemblies to validate
.PARAMETER CheckFileVersion
If set, also verifies the file version. Requires loading the assembly, so should be invoked in an isolated powershell environment
patelcp / Clean up databases.ps1
Created December 29, 2017 21:44 — forked from michaellwest/Clean up databases.ps1
Run Sitecore rebuild and clean up tasks
Runs a clean up for each database.
Michael West
foreach($database in Get-Database) {
if(!$database.ReadOnly) {
patelcp / Create Anti-Package.ps1
Created December 29, 2017 21:42 — forked from michaellwest/Create Anti-Package.ps1
Generates an anti-package from the selected package. Requires SPE 3.1.
$response = Show-ModalDialog -HandleParameters @{
"h"="Create an Anti-Package";
"t" = "Select a package that needs an anti-package";
"path"= "packPath:$SitecorePackageFolder";
} -Control "Installer.Browse"
patelcp / Update workflow for all items.ps1
Created December 29, 2017 21:37 — forked from marcduiker/Update workflow for all items.ps1
Sitecore PowerShell action to update the workflow and workflow state for all items in the ListView of the report.
$processedItems = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
function SetWorkFlowAndState {
patelcp / FindAndDownloadRecentChangeList.ps1
Created December 29, 2017 21:36 — forked from michaellwest/FindAndDownloadRecentChangeList.ps1
Queries a list of items that have been modified after a certain date. Generates a CSV and downloads from the server.
$startDate = [datetime]"02/24/2016"
$days = ([datetime]::today - $startDate).Days
Get-ChildItem master:\content\home -Recurse |
? { $_."__updated" -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$days) } |
Where-Object { "Resource Reference","Sitemap","AddOns","Market Generic Page" -notcontains $_.TemplateName } |
Select-Object -Property ID, Name, "__updated", "__updated by", "TemplateName" |
Export-Csv -Path "$($SitecoreDataFolder)\page-changes.csv"