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pathikrit / EquivalenceLock.scala
Last active February 7, 2017 21:14
Locking based on object equality rather than referential equality in Scala
* An util that provides synchronization using value equality rather than referential equality
* It is guaranteed that if two objects are value-equal, their corresponding blocks are invoked mutually exclusively.
* But the converse may not be true i.e. if two objects are not value-equal, they may be invoked exclusively too
* Note: Typically, no need to create instances of this class. The default instance in the companion object can be safely reused
* @param size There is a 1/size probability that two invocations that could be invoked concurrently is invoked sequentially
* Example usage:
* import EquivalenceLock.{defaultInstance => lock}
pathikrit / BiMap.scala
Last active March 8, 2016 19:58
Bi-directional map in Scala
class BiMap[A, B] private(var a2b: Map[A, B], var b2a: Map[B, A]) extends Tuple2(a2b, b2a) with collection.mutable.MapLike[A, B, BiMap[A, B]] {
override def +=(kv: (A, B)) = {
a2b = a2b + kv
b2a = b2a + kv.swap
override def -=(a: A) = {
get(a).foreach {b => b2a = b2a - b}
a2b = a2b - a
pathikrit / DataTable.scala
Last active September 7, 2016 19:30
DataTables in Scala
trait DataTable[PK, C, V] {
type Row = C => V
type Filter = Row => Boolean
val table: PK => Row
def apply(id: PK): Row = table(id)
def keys: Iterable[PK]
def rows: Iterable[Row] =
pathikrit / TypedRest.scala
Last active February 2, 2016 21:26
Well typed REST skeleton
object TypedRest {
type Id[A] = Long
object Request {
private[this] trait HasId[A] {
val id: Id[A]
trait Get[A] extends HasId[A]
trait Put[A] extends HasId[A]
trait Post[A]
pathikrit / Scanner.scala
Last active June 5, 2017 15:47
Scala Scanner
import java.nio.file.{Files, Path}
import java.util.StringTokenizer
* Scala implementation of a faster java.util.Scanner
* See:
* All next methods throw NoSuchElementException when !hasNext
pathikrit /
Last active July 15, 2017 02:24
Data structure that supports O(1) append, prepend, first, last and size
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class FastPrependArrayList<A> {
private ArrayList<A> appends = new ArrayList<A>();
private ArrayList<A> prepends = new ArrayList<A>();
public void append(A element) {
pathikrit / OrderLearner.scala
Last active February 14, 2016 18:18
Infer ordering given sorted collection
class OrderLearner[A](root: A) {
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => Dict}
private val next = Dict.empty[A, Set[A]] withDefaultValue Set.empty[A]
def learn(words: Seq[A]*) = for {
i <- words.indices
_ = words(i).foreach(u => next(root) += u)
j <- words.indices drop (i+1)
(u, v) <- words(i) zip words(j) find {case (a, b) => a != b}
} next(u) += v
pathikrit / NorvigSpellChecker.scala
Last active May 1, 2023 17:41
Scala implementation of Peter Norvig's spellchecker (
class NorvigSpellChecker(corpus: String, alphabet: Seq[Char] = 'a' to 'z', level: Int = 2) {
val words = s"[${alphabet.head}-${alphabet.last}]+".r.findAllIn(corpus.toLowerCase).toSeq
val count = words.groupBy(_.toSeq).mapValues(_.size) withDefaultValue 0
def edit(n: Int)(word: Seq[Char]): Set[Seq[Char]] = n match {
case 0 => Set(word)
case 1 =>
val splits = word.indices map word.splitAt
val deletes = splits collect {case (a, b0 +: b1) => a ++ b1}
pathikrit / AutoSuggest.scala
Last active March 5, 2016 06:25
Auto suggester
class AutoSuggest(corpus: String, alphabet: Seq[Char] = 'a' to 'z', depth: Int = 2) {
val words = s"[${alphabet.head}-${alphabet.last}]+".r
.par withDefaultValue 0
def editDistance(a: Seq[Char], b: Seq[Char]) = {
lazy val d: Stream[Stream[Int]] = Stream.tabulate(a.length + 1, b.length + 1) {
case (i, j) if (i - j).abs > depth => Int.MaxValue
case (i, 0) => i
pathikrit / Not.scala
Last active August 3, 2016 16:17
Simple Negation Types in Scala
trait NotSubTypeOf[A, B] // encoding to capture A is not a subtype of B
// Note: We can use infix notation to write `A NotSubTypeOf B` instead of `NotSubTypeOf[A, B]`
// evidence for any two arbitrary types A and B, A is not a subtype of B
implicit def isSub[A, B]: A NotSubTypeOf B = null
// define ambigous implicits to trigger compile error in case A is a subtype of B (or A =:= B)
implicit def iSubAmbig1[A, B >: A]: A NotSubTypeOf B = null
implicit def iSubAmbig2[A, B >: A]: A NotSubTypeOf B = null