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2012-12-07 22:34:41 flavius paullik: deci suntem pe aceeasi lungime de unda la ce am scris pe ml? ultima sinteza
2012-12-07 22:34:52 paullik n-am apucat sa citesc
2012-12-07 22:35:16 flavius e pe la sfarsit, mailurile mele lungi se citesc cel mai bine de la coada la cap :))
2012-12-07 22:35:29 flavius atunci au un sens
2012-12-07 22:37:15 paullik flavius, da, suna bine
2012-12-07 22:37:19 paullik stai ca avem o idee de comentat
2012-12-07 22:37:27 paullik după ce a răspuns la toate punctele, i se spune să treacă la pasul următor din ghid
2012-12-07 22:37:30 paullik asta
2012-12-07 22:37:37 paullik raspunde, dar daca raspunde ... prost?
2012-12-07 22:37:57 paullik sau cu dezinteres? sau nu stiu... daca iese prost dupa aceste raspunsuri?
paulbarbu / chat.cpp
Created August 9, 2012 20:36
// Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Artyom Beilis (Tonkikh) <>
// See accompanying file COPYING.TXT file for licensing details.
#include <cppcms/application.h>
#include <cppcms/url_dispatcher.h>
#include <cppcms/applications_pool.h>
#include <cppcms/service.h>
#include <cppcms/http_response.h>
paulbarbu / config.js
Created August 3, 2012 17:18
booster::regex:unmatched parentheses, at offset 4
"service" : {
"api" : "http",
"port" : 8080
"http" : {
"script" : "/myapp"
paulbarbu / .gitignore
Created January 18, 2012 17:17
paulbarbu / instructions.txt
Created January 11, 2012 21:13
Pacman pkg back-up and recovery
Backing up and retrieving a list of installed packages
It is good practice to keep periodic backups of all pacman-installed packages. In the event of a system crash which is unrecoverable by other means, pacman can then easily reinstall the very same packages onto a new installation.
First, backup the current list of non-local packages:
$ comm -23 <(pacman -Qeq|sort) <(pacman -Qmq|sort) > pkglist
Store the pkglist on a USB key or other convenient medium or or evernote or dropbox.
Copy the pkglist file to the new installation, and navigate to the directory containing it.
Issue the following command to install from the backup list:
# pacman -S $(< pkglist)
In the case you have a list which was not generated like mentioned above, there may be foreign packages in it (i.e. packages not belonging to any repos you have configured, or packages from the AUR).
In such a case, you may still want to install all available packages from that list:
2012-01-01 16:42:07 paullik flavius, o intrebare rapida am legata de acest subsystem, verificarile le fac pe el?
2012-01-01 16:42:15 paullik sau trimit callbacks?
2012-01-01 16:42:40 paullik ca as putea avea un numar variabil de argumente de verificat
2012-01-01 16:42:57 paullik si atunci pt fiecare trimit si callback-ul aferent?
2012-01-01 16:49:59 paullik deci daca fac asa cu callbacks & stuff parerea mea e ca aglomerez mult prea tare sistemul
2012-01-01 16:50:24 paullik adica am yaCMS(modules(subsystem()))
2012-01-01 16:50:35 paullik == dotophp
2012-01-01 16:51:20 paullik pentru ca ma gandesc sa fac acest subsystem folosind pre-processing-ul actual
2012-01-01 16:52:17 paullik si atunci eu din pre-processing trimit toate callback si restrictiile si variabilele de care voi avea nevoie in subsystem(BL)
2012-01-01 16:52:39 paullik dar daca fac asa totul devine extrem de complex
19:17:01 paullik | vai de capu' lor │
19:20:21 --> | starlays (~starlays@unaffiliated/starlays) has joined #yet-another-project │
19:20:30 starlays | LA MULȚI ANIIII!!! │
19:21:36 paullik | la multi ani! │
19:24:54 --> | bogdi (~chatzilla@ has joined #yet-another-project
18:08:57 paullik | asa am gasit │
18:09:00 paullik | si git status -s
21:49:11 paullik | da │
21:49:27 paullik | $task cal │
21:49:53 paullik | nu stiu daca iti afiseaza intervalele orare dintr-o zi