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it "should know one another" do
# Code in the cdb block is executed if and only if it hasn't already been run.
cdb do
p1, p2 = Player.stock(:name => "p1"), Player.stock(:name => "p2")
p1.acquaint p2
p1.should know(p2) # p1 and p2 are methods that load players by names p1 and p2
p2.should know(p1)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'relaxdb'
require 'Ruby2Ruby'
require 'spec/spec_models'
c = Module.const_get ARGV[0]
s = RubyToRuby.translate c
puts s
# Use the HOST_ENV variable to set the prompt color so the environment
# is obvious at the prompt
# Add it to .bashrc and optionally /etc/skel/.bashrc
function setprompt {
# Format is ESC[Value;...;Valuem
// Example 1
function (clientCallback) {
redis.set('foo1', 'bar1');
redis.set('foo2', 'bar2', clientCallback);
// Example 2
function (clientCallback) {
redis.set('foo1', 'bar1', function () {
redis.set('foo2', 'bar2', clientCallback);
paulcarey / toggle_desktop_image.rb
Created December 13, 2010 22:30
Switch between two desktop images on OS X e.g. a standard image and a texture for use behind transparent windows like Terminal or MacVim
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
STD_IMG_REF = '/Users/paulcarey/.std_desktop_image.txt'
IMG_SRC = '/Users/paulcarey/dev/images/ir_black_bg.png'
def current_img
cmd = "defaults read Background | grep ImageFilePath | tail -n 2 | head -n 1"
res = `#{cmd}`
res = res.split('=')[1].strip
res[1, res.size - 3]
paulcarey / (+ $ _)
Created May 10, 2012 08:48
jQuery and Underscore Bookmarklet
paulcarey / gist:2888330
Created June 7, 2012 11:37
Breadth First Search
data Tree a = Empty | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show, Eq)
breadthFirst :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> [b]
breadthFirst f Empty = []
breadthFirst f t = breadthFirst' f ([], [t])
breadthFirst' :: (a -> b) -> ([b], [Tree a]) -> [b]
breadthFirst' f (bs, []) = bs
breadthFirst' f (bs, as) = bs ++ breadthFirst' f (bsForAs, nextAs)
where (bsForAs, nextAs) = breadthFirst'' f as
paulcarey /
Created September 29, 2012 11:57
Auto-generate a list of ignore-dirs for ack from git ls-files
# This script serves as a useful base for generating a list of ignore-dirs
# for ack.
# It's slow to run (e.g. 30 sec on a 3000 file project on a 2010 MBA)
# and emits no output until complete.
# create the list of dirs tracked by git
paulcarey / download_coursera_notes.rb
Created January 12, 2013 14:04
Script to download Coursera lecture notes
require 'restclient'
# Create the list from the course page by running the following JavaScript
# snippet, and copying and paste the results in here. I _think_ the Content-Type
# of the pdfs prevents them from being downloaded directly in JavaScript.
# $('.course-lectures-list ul:eq(2) a[href$="pdf"]').map(function () { return $(this).attr('href') })
urls = ["",
for JAR in $(ls *.jar); do echo $JAR; jar -tf $JAR | ack 'org.joda.time.DateTime' ; done;