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Paul Smith paulcsmith

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paulcsmith / view.ex
Created July 27, 2015 19:28
Nice way to automatically render with the correct action name
def render(conn, assigns \\ []), do: render(conn, action_name(conn), assigns)
paulcsmith / brunch-config.js
Created July 28, 2015 15:32
Using nice import syntax using Phoenix and Brunch
exports.config = {
// See for docs.
files: {
javascripts: {
joinTo: 'js/app.js',
// To use a separate vendor.js bundle, specify two files path
// joinTo: {
// 'js/app.js': /^(web\/static\/js)/,
// 'js/vendor.js': /^(web\/static\/vendor)/
defmodule MyApp.Fixtures do
alias MyApp.Repo
alias MyApp.User
def fixture(:user) do
%User{name: "Daniel Berkompas", email: ""}
# Example: create(:user)
def create(record) do
So the proposed solution is to change production code to be "testable" and making production code to call Application configuration for every function call? This doesn't seem like a good option as it's including a unnecessary overhead to make something "testable".
It is improving the design of your code.
A test is a user of your API like any other code you write. One of the ideas behind TDD is that tests are code and no different from code. If you are saying "I don't want to make my code testable", you are saying "I don't want to decouple some modules" or "I don't want to think about the contract behind these components".
Just to clarify, there is nothing wrong with "not wanting to decouple some modules". You don't want to decouple every time you call the URI module, for example. But if we are talking about something as complex as an external API, a SSH connection or such, defining a explicit contract and passing the contract as argument is going to make your code wonders and make it easier to manage your
paulcsmith /
Last active September 22, 2015 20:42
ExMachina Cheat Sheet - v0.3.0
  • factory(factory_name) to define a factory
factory(:user) do
  %User{name: "John"}
  • create(:user, name: "Jane")
  • build(:user, name: "Jane")
  • assoc(:author, factory: :user) (can only be used inside factory definition)
paulcsmith / factory.ex
Last active October 12, 2015 22:42
Defining factories in ExMachina. Some ideas
# This is a bit more flexible. Worried people will try to call it directly :S
# Also throws warnings if you put functions in between the function definitions
def factory(:user, attrs) do
first_name: "Paul" ,
last_name: "Smith"
email: put_new_email(attrs)
defmodule MyApp.Factory do
use ExMachina.Ecto, repo: MyApp.Repo
def factory(:interest, attrs) do
name: sequence(:interest_name, &"interest-#{&1}")
def factory(:user, attrs) do
defmodule MyApp.AnnouncementTraits do
def with_subscriber(announcement, user) do
create(:subscription, announcement: announcement, user: user)
def tag_with_interest(announcement, interest) do
create(:announcement_interest, announcement: announcement, interest: interest)
Bypass fake_stripe do
get "soemthing" do
send_resp conn, ""
paulcsmith /
Last active January 20, 2016 17:02
Helpful Resources for learning Elixir/Ecto/Phoenix

Books & in depth resources

  • Phoenix Guides - This is one the best ways to get started. The guides cover most of the fundamental topics and explain the ins and outs of how Phoenix works. I would start here and look up the parts of Elixir you don't understand as you go.
  • Programming Phoenix - Still in beta, but very well done. I would recommend getting it even while in beta. It has a brief introduction to Elixir and covers all the important concepts in Phoenix
  • Elixir Getting Started Guide - This is the official Elixir getting started guide. You don't need to know everything here to get started, but it covers a lot of fundamentals in sections 1-21.

Specific Phoenix Guides that are very helpful