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Paul Lemmens paullemmens

  • Philips Research
  • The Netherlands
View GitHub Profile
paullemmens / gist:e518d997160927459cb847c87eeb1bf2
Last active April 12, 2019 13:30
rlang, tidyeval, dplyr, ggplot and non-syntactic column names
## I have a data set something like this.
mtc <- mtcars %>%
mutate(cyl = factor(cyl),
gear = factor(gear),
`Q17_anx/worry about abc` = gear,
`Q17_anx about abc` = gear)
## An admittedly ugly function (on various levels / from diverse perspectives)
## in which I'm trying baby steps for tidy evaluation.
ppp <- function(dfr, q, by = NULL, n.resp = length(unique(dfr$cyl))) {
"backcolor": "#ffffff",
"name": "Redox RGB Evo (Colemak DHm)",
"author": "FiNeX (",
"notes": "# Ergonomic Redox Keyboard Layout #\nRevision date: 2020-03-20\nLayout: English (US, intl, with dead keys)\n\n\n## Keys Legend: ##\nThe following scheme describe the meaning of the keys symbols positions.\n\n|-----------------+---------------+---------------|\n| Shifted key (*) | Symbol Layout | Shifted AltGr |\n|-----------------+---------------+---------------|\n| Function Layout | One shot | Double Tap |\n|-----------------+---------------+---------------|\n| Single Tap | Number Layout | AltGr |\n|-----------------+---------------+---------------|\n| | *Modifier* | |\n|-----------------+---------------+---------------|\n\n(*): Shift is enabled with standard key or with custom home row shitfs which\nenables left top corner keycode on thumbs keys to make it easier use the\nkeyboard whe one hand use the mouse.\n\n\n## Co
paullemmens / paul_20200512_1.json
Last active May 12, 2020 07:53
Redox keyboard layout from QMK
{"version":1,"notes":"My first layout.","documentation":"\"This file is a QMK Configurator export. You can import this at <>. It can also be used directly with QMK's source code.\n\nTo setup your QMK environment check out the tutorial: <>\n\nYou can convert this file to a keymap.c using this command: `qmk json2c {keymap}`\n\nYou can compile this keymap using this command: `qmk compile {keymap}`\"\n","keyboard":"redox/rev1","keymap":"paul_20200512_1.json","layout":"LAYOUT","layers":[["KC_GRV","KC_1","KC_2","KC_3","KC_4","KC_5","KC_7","KC_8","KC_9","KC_0","KC_MINS","KC_BSPC","KC_TAB","KC_Q","KC_W","KC_E","KC_R","KC_T","LT(3,KC_6)","LT(3,KC_BSLS)","KC_Y","KC_U","KC_I","KC_O","KC_P","KC_EQL","KC_ESC","KC_A","KC_S","KC_D","KC_F","KC_G","LT(1,KC_LBRC)","LT(1,KC_RBRC)","KC_H","KC_J","KC_K","KC_L","KC_SCLN","KC_QUOT","KC_LSFT","KC_Z","KC_X","KC_C","KC_V","KC_B","LT(2,KC_ESC)","ANY(LM(1, MOD_LSFT | MOD_LGUI))","LT(2,KC_DEL)","RALT_T(KC_BSPC)","KC_N","KC_M","KC_COMM","KC_
paullemmens / 20200716_1.json
Last active July 16, 2020 05:45
Keyboard layout to be used on
{"version":1,"notes":"My first layout.","documentation":"\"This file is a QMK Configurator export. You can import this at <>. It can also be used directly with QMK's source code.\n\nTo setup your QMK environment check out the tutorial: <>\n\nYou can convert this file to a keymap.c using this command: `qmk json2c {keymap}`\n\nYou can compile this keymap using this command: `qmk compile {keymap}`\"\n","keyboard":"redox/rev1","keymap":"paul_qwerty_colemak_20200716_1","layout":"LAYOUT","layers":[["KC_GRV","KC_1","KC_2","KC_3","KC_4","KC_5","KC_7","KC_8","KC_9","KC_0","KC_MINS","KC_BSPC","KC_TAB","KC_Q","KC_W","KC_E","KC_R","KC_T","LT(4,KC_6)","LT(4,KC_BSLS)","KC_Y","KC_U","KC_I","KC_O","KC_P","KC_EQL","KC_ESC","KC_A","KC_S","KC_D","KC_F","KC_G","LT(2,KC_LBRC)","LT(2,KC_RBRC)","KC_H","KC_J","KC_K","KC_L","KC_SCLN","KC_QUOT","KC_LSFT","KC_Z","KC_X","KC_C","KC_V","KC_B","LT(3,KC_ESC)","ANY(LM(2, MOD_LSFT | MOD_LGUI))","LT(3,KC_DEL)","RALT_T(KC_BSPC)","KC_N","KC_M","KC_
(use-package! org
:defer t
(setq org-directory "~/Nextcloud/org/"
org-roam-directory org-directory
;; Learned (rx (or "a" "b")) from
org-roam-file-exclude-regexp (rx (or ".attach" "4_archive"))
org-agenda-files (directory-files-recursively org-directory ".org$")
org-default-notes-file "~/Nextcloud/org/"
(use-package! todotxt
:commands (todotxt-mode)
:demand t
;; :mode implies :defer
:mode (("todo\\.txt" . todotxt-mode)
("done\\.txt" . todotxt-mode))
(if IS-MAC
(setq todotxt-file "~/Dropbox/todo/todo.txt")