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Paul Gowder paultopia

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paultopia /
Last active October 15, 2015 19:45
quick and dirty stopwords eliminator for wordclouds. copy and paste word document to a text file. call it from commandline with text file as extension. open new text file. copy and paste into a wordcloud maker like wordle or . Tweak settings. Profit.
import sys
import nltk
import string
dasfile = sys.argv[1]
with open(dasfile) as dastext:
thetext =
cleanstring = thetext.translate(string.maketrans("",""), string.punctuation)
cleanstring = cleanstring.translate(string.maketrans("",""), string.digits)
cleanstring = filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, cleanstring)
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
paultopia /
Last active November 18, 2015 20:52
quick and dirty script to take a bunch of documents and output a printed list of word counts for each document as well as for whole
# assumes documents are provided in the form of a list of (docid, doctext) tuples named thedocslist. docid = int/string/float; doctext = string
import nltk
import string
from collections import Counter
# get rid of punctuation, numbers; make all lowercase. no stemming.
counterslist = []
for onedocument in thedocslist:
paultopia /
Last active November 30, 2015 20:16
The toolchain of a techy-ish political theorist/lawyer

My toolchain (on OSX)

I do all four of the following often:

  1. Write lengthy academic prose.

  2. Write code.

  3. Analyze data and do other math-y things.

paultopia /
Created December 1, 2015 05:42
Quick and easy command-line wrapper for pandoc conversions to html, pdf, and docx
# The point of this script is that pandoc commandline syntax is painful and hard to remember.
# I really only produce html, pdf, and docx. And I only ever use the defaults. Ergo, a script
# (subsequently to be put in $PATH with path to python added to top to be runnable trivially) to
# make it simple.
# usage: python INPUTFILE FORMAT[html/pdf/word]
# that's it. easy.
# there are a handful of other options (output file, overwrite output file, append scripts and
# css and such to html headers), details are in the commandline help via -h flag
# very basic scraper-spider for those html books where there's a table of contents page that links to a
# bunch of sub-pages with actual content. (Like the documentation for a bunch of libraries.)
# WARNING: has no validation, assumes pages contain relative links and are all on the same site.
# (this is an easy tweak but I don't have time today)
# also assumes all content is vanilla html or at least can be accessed through vanilla html.
# pass ToC page through raw_input. This script scrapes every unique page linked from ToC and
# EDIT: this has now been upgraded to a full-fledged repo and is accepting PRs. This gist is no longer updating.
# go here:
# This is a very basic scraper-spider for those html books where there's a table of contents page that links to a
# bunch of sub-pages with actual content (like the documentation for a bunch of libraries).
# Dependencies: Beautiful soup 4 on Python 2.7.
# It assumes all content is vanilla html or at least can be accessed through vanilla html.
paultopia /
Last active December 29, 2015 17:39
import sys
import spideyscrape
import console
import os
args = sys.argv[1:] # see if the user gave us a command line argument
start = args[0] if args else raw_input('URL to crawl: ')
html = spideyscrape.scrape(start)
filename = spideyscrape.savePage(html)
paultopia /
Last active December 30, 2015 03:44
# I think I've discovered a bit of Python code even more dangerous than
class string(str):
def __call__(self):
exec self
except Exception:
evil = string('print "EVIL"')
paultopia /
Last active February 7, 2016 21:24
Hacktastic quick ftp upload (for one-line web deployment etc.)
""" see for the ftplib hell that led here
Obvs replace [SERVER] [USER] and [PASSWORD] with appropriate values, and add to the list of ascii extensions for whatever you use.
import sys
import os
import datetime as dt
full = sys.argv[1]
path = 'public_html/' + full[:full.rfind('/') + 1]
# convert a directory full of M$word .docx files to PDF
# 1. Only works on Mac.
# 2. Assign the variable USERNAME to your home directory
# 3. Requires the PDFwriter printer driver, get it here:
# 3.5 (might require PDFwriter to be your default printer; on my machine it's the only printer, so I haven't tested with any other config
# 4. Requires the launch and appswitch apps from the wonderful Nicholas Riley, get them here:
import glob, os, time
homedir = os.getcwd()