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namespace DataGrid\DataSources\Dibi;
use Nette, Doctrine, DataGrid,
dibi, DibiDataSource;
* Dibi data source based data source
namespace DataGrid\DataSources\Dibi;
use DataGrid\DataSources\IDataSource,
* Dibi fluent based data source
// Create a query
$df = new \DibiFluent(\dibi::getConnection());
->from('%n', 'people', 'p')
->leftJoin('%n', 'cities', 'c')
->on('(p.[city_id] = c.[id])');
// Configure data source
$dataSource = new \DataGrid\DataSources\Dibi\Fluent($df);
// Create a query
$ds = \dibi::dataSource('SELECT p.*, c.[name] as city FROM [people] p LEFT JOIN [cities] c ON p.[city_id] = c.[id]');
// Create a data source
$dataSource = new \DataGrid\DataSources\Dibi\DataSource($ds);
// Configure data grid
$grid = new DataGrid;
* This file is part of the Nette Framework (
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2011 David Grudl (
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the file license.txt that was distributed with this source code.
pavelkucera / gist:969030
Created May 12, 2011 17:37
Doctrine bug?
$entity = $repository->find($id);
$entity->getAssociation()->setProperty('new value');
echo $entity->getAssocation()->getProperty(); // prints 'new value'
$em->persist($entity->getAssociation()); // pratically a useless row, the association entity should be already persisted
echo $entity->getAssocation()->getProperty(); // prints the old value
* @entity(serviceClass="EntityService") // tohle jsem chtěl zprovoznit, ale vyžadovalo by to úpravu Doctrine
* @service(class="EntityService") // takže jsem se spokojil s tímhle
class Entity
$userService = new User\UserService($em, $cacheStorage);
$container->addService('userService', $userService);
* Beta
* Sibling of netteForms.js "rewritten to jQuery"
* @author Pavel Kučera
* @author David Grudl author of netteForms.js, of the idea and the one who I copied from
* Disclaimer: I'm not a javascript programmer, actually I hate javascript, so consider that please if you want to complain about quality of this utility.
* Dependencies
pavelkucera / gist:1302248
Created October 20, 2011 20:23
Trable s kódem
Nette mi pravděpodobně kvůli Nelle vyhazuje fatal error v kešovaném konfigu, k odstranění stačí:
1) přidat na začátek kešovaného souboru die('G');
2) soubor spustit, ať zemře na lajně přidané v kroku 1)
3) zakomentovat řádek se smrtí
Po této proceduře se fatal error přestane objevovat! Žádný racionální důvod proč to tak je mě fakt nenapadá :/.