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pdeffebach / TestGroupedTransform.jl
Created September 30, 2018 21:00
DataFramesMeta tests
using DataFrames, DataFramesMeta, BenchmarkTools
function scalarfun(g::GroupedDataFrame)
@transform(g, t = :b[1])
function vectorfun(g::GroupedDataFrame)
@transform(g, t = :b .- 1.0)
pdeffebach / q5.jl
Created February 29, 2020 18:32
bug in finding error
# Question 5
module Q5
using LinearAlgebra, Distributions, DataFrames
function make_data(T, N, β, σ)
T = map(1:T*N) do i
x = rand(Normal(0, sqrt(σ)))
u = rand(Normal(0, abs(x)))
y = x * β + u
x, y
pdeffebach / testperf.jl
Last active March 11, 2020 14:58
Performance of skipmissings
using BenchmarkTools, Missings
function make_x_y(N, p)
x = map(1:N) do _
rand() < p ? missing : rand()
y = map(1:N) do _
rand() < p ? missing : rand()
sx = skipmissing(x)
module MWEMissings
using Missings, InteractiveUtils
export TwoVectors, mapreduce_impl_bad, mapreduce_impl_good
struct TwoVectors{V}
pdeffebach /
Last active July 31, 2020 14:16
Proposal for new DataFramesMeta behavior

New DataFramesMeta.jl behavior


The goal of this document is to outline proposed new behavior for DataFramesMeta and it's integration with the new DataFrames.jl "piping" functions, e.g. transform, select, combine, and filter.

Limitations of current implementation

  1. The most glaring limitation of the current behavior of DataFramesMeta is