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WSL 2 with CUDA

Set up Windows Subsystem for Linux (version 2) with CUDA support + TensorFlow.

Before you start

  • You must be on Windows 10 21H2 or above.

    Note: On my system 21H2 could not be updated to. I ended up with a bricked install as Windows tried to install Windows 11 on my unsupported CPU. I recommend just installing Windows 10 21H2 directly from an ISO.

  • You don't have to be on OS build 20140 or above as some sources state. My build: 19044.1469
  • Install the latest "game ready driver" for your card.

Modern Emacs Python IDE

This gives you a modern editing experience with:

  • Autocomplete and error checking (Elpy + Flycheck)
  • Proper Git integration (Magit)
  • A great package manager within Emacs (MELPA)

Steps to install

  1. Install Python: