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Pedro Furtado pedrofurtado

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pedrofurtado /
Created January 3, 2016 16:15
Implementation of Deque data structure in Java
* @file
* Deque (Double ended queue).
* Implementation with doubly linked list, through the nested class DequeNode.
* It's used nested class to improve encapsulation.
* @author Pedro Furtado
pedrofurtado /
Created January 3, 2016 16:16
Implementation of Queue data structure in Java
* @file
* Queue.
* Implementation with singly linked list, through the nested class QueueNode.
* It's used nested class to improve encapsulation.
* @author Pedro Furtado
pedrofurtado /
Created January 3, 2016 16:17
Implementation of Queue (in circular vector) data structure in Java
* @file
* Queue.
* Implementation with circular vector.
* It's used nested class to improve encapsulation.
* @author Pedro Furtado
pedrofurtado /
Created January 3, 2016 16:18
Implementation of Sparse Matrix in Java
* @file
* Sparse matrix.
* Implementation with singly linked list, through the nested class SparseMatrixNode.
* It's used nested class to improve encapsulation.
* @author Pedro Furtado
pedrofurtado /
Last active January 3, 2016 16:25
Implementation of Stack in Java
* @file
* Stack.
* Implementation with singly linked list, through the nested class StackNode.
* It's used nested class to improve encapsulation.
* @author Pedro Furtado
pedrofurtado /
Created January 3, 2016 16:20
Implementation of Stack (in vector) in Java
* @file
* Stack.
* Implementation with vector.
* It's used nested class to improve encapsulation.
* @author Pedro Furtado
pedrofurtado /
Created January 3, 2016 16:23
Implementation of Hash Table (with Open Addressing) in Java.
* @file
* Hash table with open adressing.
* @author Pedro Furtado
public class HashTableOpenAddressing {
pedrofurtado /
Created January 3, 2016 16:24
Implementation of Singly Linked List in Java.
* @file
* Singly linked list.
public class SinglyLinkedList {
public int key;
public SinglyLinkedList next;
pedrofurtado /
Created January 3, 2016 16:31
Implementation of BubbleSort in Java.
* @file
* Bubble sort class.
public class BubbleSort {
* Printing vector method.
pedrofurtado /
Created January 3, 2016 16:32
Implementation of Insertion Sort in Java.
* @file
* Insertion sort class.
public class InsertionSort {
* Printing vector method.