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Dean Herbert peppy

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List<double> result = GetErrorStatisticsArray(score.HitErrors);
hint = String.Format("Accuracy:\nError: {0:0.00}ms - {1:0.00}ms avg\nUnstable Rate: {2:0.00}\n", result[0], result[1], result[4] * 10, result[6], result[5]);
// input is a list of (user_hit_time - correct_time)
internal List<double> GetErrorStatisticsArray(List<int> list)
if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
return null;
List<double> result = new List<double>(4);
peppy / snippet.txt
Created July 19, 2012 13:20
osu!arcade stream download urls
To the OSU copyright staff
Music used for a shown animation is the musical piece that Hazuki Co., Ltd. holds a copyright.
This deleted it as a fair right of the copyright maintainer and called.
The exhibited file violates our copyright, property remarkably.
Please specify that it is an open real time stop, copyright violation.
The music that is targeted for the copyright violation:Akai Yakusoku
# noinspection SqlResolveForFile
-- Partitioned by (preserve)
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `partitioned_solo_scores`;
-- existing structure on production
CREATE TABLE `partitioned_solo_scores` (
`id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`user_id` int unsigned NOT NULL,
peppy / osuStacking.cs
Created August 24, 2011 07:18
osu! stacking algorithm
/* Stacking used in osu! formats v6+. (c) peppy 2011
* Versions previous to 6 had incorrect stacking, but is maintained for scoring purposes.
* For non-osu! clones there should be no problem using the following alogrithm for all format versions.
StackOffset = HitObjectRadius / 10; //ymmv
Vector2 stackVector = new Vector2(StackOffset, StackOffset);
const int STACK_LENIENCE = 3;
PROJECTS="osu osu-framework"
PREAMBLE="# Disclaimer
Thank you for your interest in osu!lazer.
These pre-releases are provided for people interested in following development and getting a sneak-peek at what we're working on. osu!lazer is *not* yet intended to be a playable alternative to [osu-stable]( If it doesn't work for you and you are unable to submit a fix, please check back at a later date!
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace osu.Helpers
class WindowsKey
private delegate int LowLevelKeyboardProcDelegate(int nCode, int wParam, ref KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT lParam);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
using Realms;
namespace RealmPerformanceTest
internal static class Program
peppy / Program.cs
Created March 29, 2019 08:45
FontAwesome json -> cs generation
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Humanizer;
namespace metadata