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(defn lazy-fold [f val coll]
(letfn [(helper [coll]
(if (seq coll)
(f (first coll) (delay (helper (rest coll))))
(delay val)))]
(force (helper coll))))
;; general utility. like reduce but gives a list of all intermediate results.
(defn scan [f val coll]
(if-let [s (seq coll)]
(lazy-seq (cons val (scan f (f val (first s)) (rest s))))
(defn indexed-pred [pred coll]
(map #(if (pred %1) [%2 %1] [%1]) coll (scan + 0 (map #(if (pred %) 1 0) coll))))
(ns port-scanner
(:import [ Socket InetSocketAddress]))
(defn port-open? [hostname port timeout]
(with-open [sock (Socket.)]
(.connect sock (InetSocketAddress. hostname port) timeout)
(catch Exception e false)))
;; core.clj
(deftype Promise [d v]
(.await d)
It is a reader extension for list hoisting and splicing. You can write
(a `b` c) and it will be read as (b a c). It is right recursive, so
that (a `b` c `d` e) is read as (b a (d c e)). When the unhoisted
segments are lists of length greater than one, they are wrapped in a
singleton list rather than spliced. Thus (a b `c` d e) is read as (c
(a b) (d e)). The splicing and hoisting tries to have a natural DWIM
(defn label* [body]
(let [payload (atom nil)]
(let [result (body (fn [& [x]]
(if (compare-and-set! payload nil [x])
(throw (Exception.)) ;; It's a pain in the ass to gen-class custom Exception subclass.
(throw (Exception. "Tried to jump outside extent.")))))]
(swap! payload (fn [_] []))
(catch Exception e
(deftype LazyRef [ref]
clojure.lang.IDeref (deref [] (force @ref)))
(defn lazy-ref* [thunk]
(LazyRef (ref (delay (thunk)))))
(defmacro lazy-ref [form]
`(lazy-ref* (fn [] ~form)))
(defn lazy-alter [r f & args]
(defn rand-range [m n]
(+ m (rand-int (- n m))))
(defn with-transient [x f]
(persistent! (f (transient x))))
(defn swap-entries! [x i j]
(assoc! x i (x j) j (x i)))
(defn knuth-shuffle [xs]
(use '(clojure.contrib (str-utils :only (str-join))))
(def print-trace println) ;; rebind locally as appropriate
(defmacro trace [form]
`(let [value# ~form]
(print-trace (format "%s => %s" '~form value#))
(defn trace-seq* [name value]
(defn uninterleave [xs]
[(take-nth 2 xs) (take-nth 2 (rest xs))])
(defmacro defnkw [name & handlers]
(let [handlers (map #(do [(uninterleave (first %)), (rest %)]) handlers)
selector- (gensym "selector")
args- (gensym "args")]
`(defn ~name [& selector-args#]
(let [[~selector- ~args-] (uninterleave selector-args#)]
(cond ~@(mapcat (fn [[[test-selector params] body]]