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pery mimon perymimon

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perymimon / DDL
Last active December 26, 2018 23:17
DDL System

[TOC] ddl system {#welcome}


ddl system used to auto fill all SELECT element when page finished loaded.
also it convert SELECT that as autocomplete to autoComplete input.
part of the data that used to fill SELECTEs is local hardcode
part loaded form the server when user login to back office

perymimon /
Created November 26, 2013 21:24 — forked from jookyboi/
Here are a set of libraries, plugins and guides which may be useful to your Javascript coding.


  • jQuery - The de-facto library for the modern age. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
  • Backbone - Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface.
  • AngularJS - Conventions based MVC framework for HTML5 apps.
  • Underscore - Underscore is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides a lot of the functional programming support that you would expect in Prototype.js (or Ruby), but without extending any of the built-in JavaScript objects.
  • lawnchair - Key/value store adapter for indexdb, localStorage
perymimon / throttle.js
Last active March 15, 2019 13:14
test delete it if you see it From
function throttle( fn, time ) {
var t = 0;
return function() {
var args = arguments, ctx = this;
t = setTimeout( function() {
fn.apply( ctx, args );
}, time );
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<!-- I am collapsed by default -->
<nav id="main-navigation" class="navigation">
<a href="#">Nav Links</a>
<!-- more -->
<!-- I am full width by default -->
<div class="page-wrap">
perymimon / gulpfile.js
Last active December 26, 2018 22:57
recipe for nice gulpFile
* Created by pery on 09/05/2015.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
var ngAnnotate = require('gulp-ng-annotate');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
var inject = require('gulp-inject');
var mainBowerFiles = require('main-bower-files');
perymimon / loadScript.js
Last active March 15, 2019 13:12
inject script to current document for using in `javascript:` protocol
function loaderScript(scriptUrl){
return new Promise(function (res, rej) {
let script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = scriptUrl;
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.onError = rej;
script.async = true;
script.onload = res;
perymimon / copy.js
Last active March 15, 2019 12:59
copy text to clipbord
function copyText(){
var code = document.querySelector('pre').innerText;
var select = document.querySelector('#clipboard');
select.value = code;;
try {
alert('Text copied to clipboard!');
} catch (err) {
perymimon / addToBookma.js
Last active March 15, 2019 12:57
work in Firefox, IE, Opera . not work on IE when protocol is 'javascript'
function addToBookmark(title,href){
if (window.sidebar && window.sidebar.addPanel) { // Mozilla Firefox Bookmark
} else if(window.external && ('AddFavorite' in window.external)) { // IE Favorite
window.external.AddFavorite(href, title);
} else if(window.opera && window.print) { // Opera Hotlist
this.title = title;
return true;
} else { // webkit - safari/chrome
alert('Press ' + (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('mac') != - 1 ? 'Command/Cmd' : 'CTRL') + ' + D to bookmark this page.');
perymimon / example.js
Last active March 15, 2019 12:54
tiny code to convert array of objects to headers and rows. For easy print to console. or create to html table
var data = [{a:1, b:2},{c:3,b:2},{d:4,a:1}];
/* return ...
headers:(4) ["a", "b", "c", "d"],
0:(2) [1, 2]
1:(3) [undefined × 1, 2, 3]
2:(4) [1, undefined × 2, 4]
perymimon / googleApiNodeAuth.js
Last active December 26, 2018 19:54
Auth google/any oauth2 by node cnsole only
const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');
const {google} = require('googleapis');
// If modifying these scopes, delete token.json.
const SCOPES = [''];
// The file token.json stores the user's access and refresh tokens, and is
// created automatically when the authorization flow completes for the first
// time.
const TOKEN_PATH = 'token.json';