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// ----------------------------------------------------------
// A short snippet for detecting versions of IE:
// Uses a combination of object detection and user-agent
// sniffing.
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// If you're not in IE then:
// ie === NaN // falsy
// If you're in IE then you can determine which version:
// ie === 7; // IE7
// Thus, to detect IE:
peteboere / dabblet.css
Created February 3, 2012 12:31 — forked from anonymous/dabblet.css
Watermark background with CSS3 multiple-backgrounds, element() and linear-gradient()
* Watermark background with CSS3 multiple-backgrounds, element() and linear-gradient()
h1 {
font:italic 4em Georgia,serif;
padding: 1em 0 0;
margin:0 0 .3em;