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Peter Salomonsen petersalomonsen

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* Copyright (c) 2019 - Peter Johan Salomonsen - All rights reserved
global.bpm = 110;
global.pattern_size_shift = 4;
// global.looptimes = 100;
// soloInstrument('bass');
petersalomonsen / grooveisinthecode.js
Last active October 4, 2019 20:38
Music: Groove is in the code
global.bpm = 120;
global.pattern_size_shift = 4;
// global.looptimes = 100;
// soloInstrument('lead1');
import { StereoSignal } from "../synth/stereosignal.class";
import { Freeverb } from "../fx/freeverb";
import { DelayLine } from "../fx/delayline";
import { SAMPLERATE } from "../environment";
import { TriBandStereoCompressor } from "../fx/tribandstereocompressor";
import { EQBand } from "../fx/eqband";
import { SubPiano } from "../instruments/piano/subpiano";
import { Kick2 } from "../instruments/drums/kick2.class";
petersalomonsen / wasmsong2.js
Last active January 12, 2021 12:25
Intro song for the music talk at WebAssembly summit 2020. Also available on spotify / soundcloud, song name is "Hondarribia" ( by Peter Salomonsen ) Go to:
* "Hondarribia" - Intro song for the music talk at WebAssembly summit 2020
* Also available at spotify / soundcloud
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 - Peter Johan Salomonsen - All rights reserved
* "WASM song"
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 - Peter Johan Salomonsen - All rights reserved
global.bpm = 123;
global.pattern_size_shift = 4;
// global.looptimes = 100;
petersalomonsen / mix.ts
Last active September 29, 2020 19:59
import { SineOscillator } from '../synth/sineoscillator.class';
import { SawOscillator } from '../synth/sawoscillator.class';
import { Envelope } from '../synth/envelope.class';
import { StereoSignal } from "../synth/stereosignal.class";
import { notefreq } from '../synth/note';
import { Noise } from '../synth/noise.class';
import { BandPass } from '../fx/bandpass';
import { SAMPLERATE } from '../environment';
import { BiQuadFilter, FilterType, Q_BUTTERWORTH } from '../synth/biquad';
import { createInstrumentArray } from '../common/mixcommon';
* Copyright (c) 2019 - Peter Johan Salomonsen - All rights reserved
global.bpm = 110;
global.pattern_size_shift = 4;
var pianoVoices = [];
for(let n=1;n<=8;n++) {
petersalomonsen /
Created February 11, 2020 19:04
sin vs math.sin benchmark
./node_modules/.bin/asc -O3 --use Math=JSMath --runtime none test.ts -o test.wasm
node test.js
petersalomonsen / 4klangfirstattempt.js
Last active March 18, 2020 18:52
"4klang first attempt" remake for WASM livecode env
* "4klang first attempt" - originally made for 4klang, remake for livecode wasm env.
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 - Peter Johan Salomonsen - All rights reserved
global.bpm = 106;
global.pattern_size_shift = 4;
import { writeMod, cmd, clr } from './lib/protrackermodwriter.js';
import { createSamples } from './lib/instrumentgenerator.js';
import { createSampleEcho, insertNotesIntoPattern, insertSampleNotesIntoPattern, toPatternArray, createEmptyPatternArray } from './lib/patterntools.js';
onmessage = function(msg) {
const samples = createSamples(, [
(instance) => {
instance.setChannelValue(0, 69 - (12 ));