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(function () {
global = this,
ArrProto = global.Array.prototype,
proto_slice = ArrProto.slice,
proto_map =,
proto_reduce = ArrProto.reduce,
petsel / components.Enumerable_first_last.js
Last active December 16, 2015 05:29
Trait example for "Enumerable" that implements only two methods [first] and [last]
* see also / derived from:
* []
* []
var Enumerable_first_last = (function () {
Trait, // the "Enumerable_first_last" Trait Module.
petsel / components.Introspective_isFunction_isCallable.js
Last active December 16, 2015 05:29
Trait example for "Introspective" that implements only two methods [isFunction] and [isCallable]
* see also / derived from:
* []
* []
var Introspective_isFunction_isCallable = (function () {
Trait, // the "Introspective_isFunction_isCallable" Trait Module.
petsel / components.Observable_SignalsAndSlots.js
Last active December 16, 2015 05:29
Mixin example for "Observable" that implements the Signal Slot concept and provides a configurable API for [addEventListener], [removeEventListener], [hasEventListener] and [dispatchEvent]
* see also / derived from:
* []
* []
var Observable_SignalsAndSlots = (function () {
global = this,
petsel / type-composition-example_Traits-Mixin-and-Factory.js
Last active December 17, 2015 09:59
composing a Queue type from a Queue Factory component. The whole system integrates 5 composable components - an Observable Mixin, two different Allocable and three different Enumerable Traits.
var Enumerable_first_last = (function () {
first = function () {
return this[0];
last = function () {
return this[this.length - 1];
petsel / Function.modifiers.adviceTypes.afterThrowing-afterFinally
Last active December 17, 2015 10:08
prototypal implementations of one full set and two complementary partial sets of AOP inspired method modifiers - [Function.prototype.before], [Function.prototype.after], [Function.prototype.afterThrowing], [Function.prototype.afterFinally] and [Function.prototype.around].
* see also / derived from:
* []
* []
(function (Function) {
petsel /
Last active December 17, 2015 23:39
1) thoughts about how to adopt the principles of aspect oriented programming to JavaScripts dynamic and functional nature.2) point (1) now gets accompanied by a working implementation - "" - of an aspect oriented system as proof of concept.3) there is a working "logging" example now too as always if one needs to justify the exi…

roughly sketched

  • runtime based only and not using any kind of JavaScript "transpilers" or JavaScript build tools for "code weaving" as in e.g. AspectJ.
  • thus being forced focusing on what ES3 language core does provide.
  • implementation of prototypal method modifiers e.g. Function.prototype.before, Function.prototype.after, Function.prototype.around as minimal set of a kind of an AOP base that already supports library / framework agnostic modification of function based control flow by just wrapping additional behaviors / advice handlers around existing methods / functions.
  • clarify role of Joinpoint, Pointcut, Advice, Aspect; especially from this point of view of what makes them distinct from existing approaches in compiled and/or non dynamic and/or non functional programming languages.

petsel /
Last active February 21, 2017 11:33

#The many »Talents« of JavaScript


##The many talents of JavaScript for generalizing Role Oriented Programming approaches like Traits and Mixins

###TL;DR / Summary

petsel /
Created June 5, 2014 10:10

#Die vielen »Talente« von JavaScript


##Die vielen Talente von JavaScript Rollen-orientierte Programmieransätze wie Traits und Mixins verallgemeinern zu können

###TL;DR / Abriss

petsel / Function.toApplicator.js
Last active December 23, 2016 10:00
Prevent function based "Role" pattern implementations[1] like "Mixin"s, "Trait"s or "Talent"s from getting instantiated by turning them into callable objects. Thus creating real objects but providing [call] and [apply] as standard call/delegation methods to them.
* Prevent function based "Role" pattern implementations[1] like "Mixin"s,
* "Trait"s or "Talent"s from getting instantiated by turning them into
* callable objects. Thus creating real objects but providing [call] and
* [apply] as standard call/delegation methods to them.
* The concept will be promoted as "Applicator" in order to distinguish
* it from "Constructor". (Though in theirs wording both do follow the
* same track.)