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pezcode / ffmpeg_vid2gif.ps1
Last active May 16, 2020 00:56
FFmpeg: convert video to animated .gif (PowerShell script)
# convert video to animated .gif
# requires FFmpeg 2.6 or higher
[int]$Height=0 # 0 for input height
pezcode / ffmpeg_extract.ps1
Last active March 5, 2018 04:41
FFmpeg: cut video without re-encoding (PowerShell script)
# cut video without re-encoding
# syntax for start and end times:
pezcode /
Created January 14, 2018 14:34
Unlock all LYNE ( levels on the Windows version. I needed this after reformatting Windows since the game didn't have Steam Cloud sync.
import sys
import _winreg
# windows savegame location:
# HKCU/Software/Thomas Bowker/LYNE
def main():
sets = 26 # A-Z
levels = 25
for s in range(sets):
pezcode / facebook_volume.user.js
Last active January 14, 2018 14:46
Stop Facebook from maxing out your video volume. Slightly modified version of the original script by Daile Alimo: Modified to use local storage since I couldn't get it to work using cookies. Tested with Firefox 57 and Violentmonkey 2.8.24.
// ==UserScript==
// @name FBVVM
// @namespace
// @version 1.1
// @description Maintains set volume of videos on play of native video links on Facebook.
// @author Daile Alimo, pezcode
// @match*
// @grant none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
pezcode / iolog.h
Created January 14, 2018 14:58
simple C++ iostream log
#pragma once
#include <ostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class Log
typedef std::ostream& (*ostream_manipulator)(std::ostream&);
pezcode / ShooterUI.ini
Last active January 14, 2018 15:18
Talespin's Dirty Bomb 1080p custom HUD (
MinimapPosition=(Align=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_BOTTOM, HA="", VA=""), PixelOffset=(X=450, Y=0))
ObituaryMessageLogPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_RIGHT, V=HA_CENTER))
WeaponAmmoPosition=(Align=(H=HA_RIGHT, V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_RIGHT, V=HA_BOTTOM, HA="", VA=""), PixelOffset=(X=420, Y=170), ShadowOffset=(X=-1, Y=-1))
AbilityCooldownPosition=(Align=(H=HA_RIGHT, V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_RIGHT, V=HA_BOTTOM, HA="", VA=""), PixelOffset=(X=330, Y=35), ShadowOffset=(X=-1, Y=-1))
PlayerHealthPosition=(Align=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_BOTTOM, HA="", VA=""), PixelOffset=(X=580, Y=175))
GameWaveTimerPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), PixelOffset=(Y=166, X=-55))
pezcode / ShooterUI.ini
Last active January 14, 2018 15:18
1440p version of Talespin's Dirty Bomb HUD, with some slight modifications (
ChatInputPosition=(Align=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_TOP,VA="Minimap"), PixelOffset=(X=50))
ExpCounterPosition=(Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_CENTER), PixelOffset=(Y=75), ShadowOffset=(X=-1, Y=-1))
pezcode / db-backup.ps1
Created January 14, 2018 15:25
Restores common Dirty Bomb settings after an update or a fresh install.
$backupfolder = 'backup'
$files = 'ShooterGame.ini', 'ShooterInput.ini', 'ShooterUI.ini', 'ShooterEngine.ini'
ForEach($file in $files) {
$backupfile = "$backupfolder\$file"
New-Item $backupfile -Force
Copy-Item $file $backupfile
pezcode /
Created February 3, 2018 23:38
GIMP plugin script to hue-shift an image several times (e.g. for animations)
#!/usr/bin/env python
from gimpfu import *
from gimpenums import *
import os
def batch_hue_shift(image, drawable, count, outdir):
assert 2 <= count <= 360
folder, filename = os.path.split(image.filename)
pezcode / ffmpeg_2mp4.ps1
Created March 5, 2018 04:44
FFmpeg: convert video to .mp4 (PowerShell script)
# convert video to .mp4 (x264)
# copies audio stream
[int]$Height=0, # 0 for input height