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Pablo Francisco Pérez Hidalgo pfcoperez

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trait JavaJsonizer { def toJson: String }
class SimpleJavaJsonizer extends JavaJsonizer {
def toJson: String = """{"type":"Int", "pattern":"hello*"}"""
case class YourBuilder(underlying: JavaJsonizer, name: Option[String]) {
def build(newName: String): YourBuilder = copy(name = Some(newName))
post {
entity(as[Foo]) { rq: Foo =>
} ~ getRqEnt {
val foo = Foo("boo")
val ett = Await.result(Marshal(foo).to[RequestEntity], 100 millis)
//val recEtt = {"a" : "thx1138"}
str => {
val l = (1 to 3).map(x => ((x-1)*10 until x*10) toList) toList
l.foldRight(List.empty[Int]) { case (sl,acc) => sl.foldRight(acc) { case (v, l) => v :: l } }
from collections import deque
class LFUCache(object):
def __init__(self, capacity):
self.value = {}
self.resque = {}
self.capacity = capacity
self.evictionQueue = deque()
def isSubseq[T](s: Seq[T], ss: Seq[T]): Boolean = {
(ss /: s) {
case (Seq(), _) => Seq()
case (remaining, x) if(remaining.head == x) => remaining.tail
case _ => ss
} isEmpty
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
def sequence[T](s: Seq[Try[T]]): Try[Seq[T]] =
(Try(Seq.empty[T]) /: s) {
case (Success(s), Success(v)) => Success(v +: s)
case (Failure(cause), _) => Failure(cause)
case (_, Failure(cause)) => Failure(cause)
} map (_.reverse)
def maxSumSubseq(s: Seq[Int]): Int = {
(Option.empty[Int] /: s) {
case (Some(acc), v) if(v < acc+v) => Some(acc+v)
case (_, v) => Some(v)
} max
def maxSumSubseqIdxs(s: Seq[Int]): ((Int, Int), Int) = {
val sums = (Option.empty[((Int, Int), Int)] /: s.zipWithIndex) {
case (Some(((i, _), acc)), (v, j)) if(v < acc+v) =>
object SimulationCLI extends App {
type CommandAction = (Seq[String], ElevatorControlSystemAPI) => Option[ElevatorControlSystemAPI]
val commands: Map[String, CommandAction] =
"state" -> { (args, ecs) =>
ecs.status.toSeq.sortBy(_._1) foreach {
case (elevatorId, ElevatorState(movement, floor)) =>
val movementStr = movement map {
abstract class FuncStackable {
def f(x: Int): Int
class Fidentity extends FuncStackable {
override def f(x: Int): Int = x
trait NInput extends FuncStackable {
val n: Int
pfcoperez / RobotCommands.scala
Created February 6, 2017 19:31
Parsers combinators example: Robot commands
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
object RobotCommands extends App {
object Entities {
trait MovementDirection
case object Up extends MovementDirection
case object Down extends MovementDirection
case object Left extends MovementDirection