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phanlyhuynh / gist:e07c4933421380779e8ac8def2268c7c
Last active October 16, 2020 20:50
Error System limit for number of file watchers reached
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
phanlyhuynh / .babelrc
Last active October 13, 2020 08:03
Eslint file's configuration
"presets": [
"plugins": [
["lodash", { "id": ["lodash", "recompose"] }],
phanlyhuynh / gist:a5873859f4483f4bc6e1023139549eff
Created October 14, 2020 03:56
Downgrade php7.4 to php7.3
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php7.3
sudo apt-get install php7.3-cli php7.3-common php7.3-json php7.3-opcache php7.3-mysql php7.3-mbstring php7.3-zip php7.3-fpm php7.3-intl php7.3-simplexml
sudo a2dismod php7.4
supervisord -c path_supervisord_config_file // run supervisord
supervisorctl -c path_supervisord_config_file status all // check status of supervisord
supervisorctl -c path_supervisord_config_file restart all // restart supervisord
public function setUp() : void
$this->afterApplicationCreated(function () {
$this->db = m::mock(
Connection::class . '[select,update,insert,delete]',
$manager = $this->app['db'];
$r = new \ReflectionClass($manager);
phanlyhuynh / gist:735f8f1872e7ae6c0b224b6e55712507
Created October 14, 2020 04:32
Unit test: pass authorize
$mock = Mockery::mock(Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate::class);
$this->app[Gate::class] = $mock;
phanlyhuynh / gist:0c07c45d829083cae99058e319184801
Created February 7, 2022 09:38
Check installed grpc and protobuf (php)
php -r 'phpinfo();' | grep -i "\(grpc\|protobuf\)"
phanlyhuynh / haproxy
Created March 22, 2023 03:06
Show Real IP Ingress nginx
option forwardfor
phanlyhuynh / Install mailhog on ubuntu
Last active August 30, 2023 03:28
Install mailhog on ubuntu
curl -OL
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.18.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
go env -w GO111MODULE=off
go get