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Philippe Back philippeback

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philippeback /
Created May 16, 2014 09:01
Spotlight Changes
KMCategory subclass: #SpotlightShortcuts
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Tools-Spotlight'!
!SpotlightShortcuts commentStamp: 'TorstenBergmann 2/4/2014 20:43' prior: 0!
A shortcut for spotlight!
!SpotlightShortcuts methodsFor: 'keymaps' stamp: 'MarcusDenker 9/11/2013 13:23'!

Business Models


Models Examples
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philippeback / gist:3b2d802ee42eb3c232a6
Created August 8, 2014 08:28
Transcript / UI Manager
Transcript clear.
Transcript open.
#('azerty' 'uiop' 'fjfjf') asOrderedCollection inject: (OrderedCollection new) into: [ :a :b | Transcript show: 'A='; show: a; cr; show: 'B=';show: b;cr ].
Transcript flush.
UIManager inform: 'HEllo'.
UIManager default request: 'Value?'.
UIManager default inform: 'HELLO'.
UIManager default confirm: 'Okay with this?'.
philippeback /
Last active September 26, 2018 14:43
Loading BouncingAtomsMorph in Pharo
Gofer it
url: ''
username: ''
password: '';
package: 'MorphExamplesAndDemos';
BouncingAtomsMorph new openInWorld.
philippeback / drawSVGPokeOn: svg
Created August 26, 2014 09:00
SVG and passengers
drawSVGPokeOn: svg
| passenger |
svg anchor
passenger: 'YOP';
onClick: ((svg jQuery ajax)
callback: [ :passengers | passenger := passengers first. self info: ('Poked!', passenger) ] passengers: (svg jQuery this);
script: [ :s | s << ('alert("Hello ', passenger, '")') js]);
with: [
html paragraph
script: (html jQuery this load
html: [ :h | h text: 'Hello' ];
interval: 5 minutes);
with: [ html text: 'Hello' ]
addMarkerPollingTo: html
html document addLoadScript: (
(html jQuery getJson
json: [ :r | self renderStoresJsonOn: r ];
onSuccess: (JSStream on: 'window.timeoutHandler=setTimeout(updateMarkers,30000)') asFunction
) asFunction assignTo: 'updateMarkers')
html document addLoadScript: (JSStream on: 'updateMarkers()').
(html jQuery ajax
onComplete: (JSStream on: 'clearTimeout(timeoutHandler);updateMarkers(arguments[0]);') asFunction)
philippeback /
Created September 1, 2014 19:18
Spec Tutorial in a Worskspace
ComposableModel subclass: #MyModelList
instanceVariableNames: 'list'
classVariableNames: ''
category: 'Spec-Tutorial'.
MyModelList compile: 'initializeWidgets
list := self newList.