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Philipp Otto philippotto

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git config --global alias.l "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"
philippotto / mergerMode_v2.js
Last active April 22, 2017 22:06
Merger mode for api v2
window.webknossos.apiReady(2).then(async (api) => {
const welcomeMessage =
`Mr. Motta and Mr. Boergens proudly present
The webKnossos Merger Mode Suite
[8] Shuffles segmentation color of current tree
[9] Toggles segment opacity
[right-click] Adds node and makes segment pink
[delete] Removes node and restores original segment color
philippotto / merger-mode-script.txt
Last active August 13, 2018 07:01 — forked from heikowissler/merger-mode-script.txt
window.webknossos.apiReady(3).then(async (api) => {
const welcomeMessage =
`Mr. Motta and Mr. Boergens proudly present
The webKnossos Merger Mode Suite (version 23.04.2017)
[8] Shuffles segmentation color of current tree
[9] Toggles segment opacity
[right-click] Adds node and makes segment pink
[delete] Removes node and restores original segment color
window.webknossos.apiReady(3).then(async (api) => {
api.utils.registerKeyHandler("7", () => { alert("You pressed 7"); });
window.webknossos.apiReady(3).then(async (api) => {
api.utils.registerKeyHandler("8", () => { alert("You pressed 8"); });
async function applyMapping(api) {
const trees = api.tracing.getAllTrees();
const currentTreeId = api.tracing.getActiveTreeId();
const currentTree = trees[currentTreeId];
const segmentationName =
const cellIdSet = new Set()
for (const node of currentTree.nodes.values()) {
const cellId = await, node.position);
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import webknossos as wk
from webknossos.annotation import Annotation
from webknossos.dataset import MagView
from webknossos.geometry import BoundingBox, Mag
def merge_with_fallback_layer(
output_path: Path,