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def make_rnn(num_features, num_targets, num_timesteps, num_units):
model = kem.Sequential()
model.add(kel.LSTM(num_units, input_shape=(num_timesteps, num_features), return_sequences=True))
model.add(kel.TimeDistributed(kel.Dense(num_targets, activation='sigmoid')))
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam')
return model
def calc_exponential_decline(p0, exp, time):
return p0 * np.exp(-exp * time)
def calc_two_stage_decline(p0, exp_stage_zero, exp_stage_one, time_max, time_next_stage, time_min=0.,
production_jumpfactor=4., num=50, noise=0.1, noise_mean=1.):
time = np.linspace(time_min, time_max, num)
stage_one = np.where(time > time_next_stage)
production = calc_exponential_decline(p0, exp_stage_zero, time) * np.random.normal(noise_mean, noise, time.shape)
time_stage_one_relative = np.linspace(time_min, time_max-time_next_stage, len(time[stage_one]))
production[stage_one] = calc_exponential_decline(production[stage_one][0] + p0/production_jumpfactor, exp_stage_one,
import numpy as np
import keras.models as kem
import keras.layers as kel
import sklearn.preprocessing as preproc
FNAME_MODEL = 'tmp/decl_curve_rnn.h5'
philippslang / mesh_flow_network.rpl
Created January 12, 2016 10:54
ANSYS Icem mesh script
ic_load_tetin ./out.tin
set srfcs [ic_geo_get_objects surface]
ic_curve intersect STANDARD crv.00 $srfcs
set crvs [ic_geo_get_objects curve]
ic_geo_create_curve_ends $crvs
ic_save_tetin flow.tin
ic_geo_scale_meshing_params all 0.9
ic_set_meshing_params global 0 gref 0.9 gmax 9.0 gfast 1 gedgec 0.2 gnat 0 gcgap 1 gnatref 10
philippslang / ellipsoid_discs_plot.m
Last active January 4, 2016 10:17
Matlab Tensor Visualization
function [hmame, hmami] = Ellipsoid_discs_plot(vma, vme, vmi)
%Ellipsoid_discs_plot plots an ellipsoid as two
%elliptical discs.
%The center of the ellipsoid is assumed to be 0,0,0. The tool has been
%designed to visualize tensorial properties using the characteristic
%Eigenvectors. Using cross-section elliptical discs to visualize ellipsoids
%may provide improved visualization compared to volumetric ellipsoids.
% Parameters
philippslang / cfunction.c
Last active December 29, 2015 12:58
Basic how-to for C - Swig - Python/Numpy interfacing
void demo(size_t nr, size_t nc, double *arr)
for(int r(0); r < nr; ++r)
for(int c(0); c < nc; ++c)
arr[r*nc+c] = 1.; // fills arr[r][c]