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test string here

Phill MV phillmv

test string here
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var FormObject = function(form_id)
this.attr_base = "";
var self = {
form_id: form_id,
attr_name: this.attr_base + "[name]",
attr_form_name: this.attr_base + "[form_identifier]",
to_html: function() {
phillmv / gist:1813858
Created February 13, 2012 05:12
require 'webrick'
require 'pry'
rescue LoadError
require 'ruby-debug'
rescue LoadError
phillmv /
Created December 2, 2011 05:58
In a nutshell, using @path feels like surrendering control over my privacy.

It's too relentlessly public.

It's clearly been designed to minimize all interaction friction - just using the app now generates activity which can be consumed by others and I imagine the end goal is to make it addictive as all hell.

But that's exactly what makes it so creepy.

I really dislike how much it shares automatically. Reporting whether I've read an item is incredibly hateful; privately browsing/stalking is the number one virtue/sin of social networks.

There is no way to delete comments or posts. Worse yet! I intensely dislike how there is no way to delete location checkins. No one has yet to tag me, but is there a way to untag yourself form photos or locations?

phillmv / reorder.rb
Created July 18, 2011 15:57
# Execute it by loading it within an interactive ruby session by going `irb -r reorder.rb`.
require 'ftools'
require 'yaml'
@files = Dir['*.jpg'].sort
@collection = {}
#set up intro
phillmv /
Created May 16, 2011 17:00
suggestions pour le
.fivefrontbox {
right: 10px;
.masthead {
width: 100%;
within le html:
phillmv / negacraig.rb
Created March 24, 2011 01:28
Craiglist doesn't allow negative keyword searches. I fixed that.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
bad_words = ["basement", "realtor", "finch", "eglinton", "scarborough", "brampton", "sheppard", "kipling", "islington", "markham", "lawrence", "steeles", "pape", "donlands", "etobicoke", "mississauga", "highway", "cityplace", "yonge", "mortgage", "consultation"]
search_url = ""
doc = Nokogiri::XML(open(search_url))
phillmv / git strat
Created December 9, 2009 04:08
git strat
Git Strategy (Version 2)
16:20 < hiffy> I have a question on, I guess, architecture
16:20 < hiffy> so I have this git repo, works swell
16:21 < hiffy> and I have a prod and a test env. I’d like keep a separate
branch for my test environment and then “promote” commits to the
main branch
License: latest LGPL :D
As per my discussion with Gianni (@gf3), and
Dowd's inhuman flash exploit -- no longer available on the internets.
The evidence is now overwhelming that Mark Dowd was, in fact, sent back through time to kill the mother of the person who will grow up to challenge SkyNet. Please direct your attention to Dowd’s 25-page bombshell ( on a Flash bytecode attack.
Some context. Reliable Flash vulnerabilities are catastrophes. In 2008, we have lots of different browsers. We have different versions of the OS, and we have Mac users. But we’ve only got one Flash vendor, and everyone has Flash installed. Why do you care about Flash exploits? Because in the field, any one of them wins a commanding majority of browser installs for an attacker. It is the Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 of clientsides.
So that’s pretty bad-ass. But that’s not why the fate of humanity demands that we hunt down Dowd and dissolve him in molten steel.
Look at the details of this attack. It’s a weaponized NULL pointer attac
set nocompatible " VIM extensions, not very VI compatible;
" this setting must be set because when vim
" finds a .vimrc on startup, it will set
" itself as "compatible" with vi
if has("syntax")
syntax on
map  BdW