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### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am philsnow on github.
* I am philsnow ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is 8568 F2DD 46A3 E8EB 8731 5A6D 11E9 7527 9066 9294
To claim this, I am signing this object:
-- Modal bindings, have to resort to this because on mac there
-- isn't a reserved modifier key for interacting with the OS.
modal_keymap ="cmd", "escape")
modal_keymap:bind('', 'escape', nil, function() modal_keymap:exit() end)
-- Maximize toggling
local window_table = {}
function toggleFocusedWindowFullscreen()
local focused_window = hs.window.focusedWindow()

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am philsnow on github.
  • I am philsnow ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 8568 F2DD 46A3 E8EB 8731 5A6D 11E9 7527 9066 9294

To claim this, I am signing this object:

% /usr/bin/time ./zebra.rb
philsnow / init.lua
Last active June 20, 2020 09:34
hammerspoon snippet that allows me to paste where I want
-- other stuff in hammerspoon init.lua
philsnow /
Created January 28, 2021 19:14
some ways of getting tabs out of chrome/firefox because I don't trust their session restore 100%
# source this from your shell
chrome_tabs () {
for win in $(seq 1 $(osascript -e 'tell application "Chrome" to get count every window'))
for tab in $(seq 1 $(osascript -e "tell application \"Chrome\" to get count every tab of window ${win}"))
echo -n "win $win tab $tab: "
osascript -e "tell application \"Chrome\" to get URL of tab $tab of window $win"
philsnow /
Created June 30, 2022 07:15
disable slack animations when on battery power

What is this?

Slack animations take a ton of CPU and thus battery. Wouldn't it be great if unplugging your laptop from its power source would automatically turn them off?

This is a bit of code for Hammerspoon that makes that happen.

AnimateSlack is just an Automator app that pulls my user token out of a keychain with security and curls a POST to some Slack API URL I forget the details of

philsnow /
Last active June 30, 2022 07:24
disable slack animations on battery power

What is this?

Slack animations take a ton of CPU and thus battery. Wouldn't it be great if unplugging your laptop from its power source would automatically turn them off?

This is a bit of code for Hammerspoon that makes that happen.

AnimateSlack is just an Automator app that pulls my user token out of a keychain with security and curls a POST to, but if I were to do this again I'd just have Hammerspoon do it.

philsnow /
Last active December 11, 2022 06:02
getting tabs out of firefox
# brew install lz4 && \
# mkdir -p ~/dev && \
# cd ~/dev && \
# git clone && \
# cd mozlz4-tool && \
# LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib cargo build --release
~/dev/mozlz4-tool/target/release/mozlz4-tool "$(find ~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/Profiles/ -name recovery.jsonlz4 | head -1)" | jq '["* \(.windows | length) Firefox windows as of '$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S)'", (.windows | . as $windows | length as $num_windows | keys | .[] | $windows[.] as $window | [" - window \(. + 1) out of \($num_windows), \($window.tabs | length) tabs", ($window.tabs[] | .entries[-1] as $last | " - [[\($last.url)][\($last.title)]]")])] | flatten | .[]' -r
philsnow /
Created February 8, 2023 10:32
simple_switcher.lua: simple mac window switcher with hammerspoon


I've been using numbered Spaces a lot more lately, and it's helpful for me to only see the apps/windows that I'm currently focused on, instead of all 30 apps I happen to have open. I wanted something similar to hs.window.switcher, but I don't care about window thumbnails and I wanted to be able to see more than just a few characters of the window title.

I cribbed heavily from the window_switcher.lua source but removed a lot of configurability, logging, backwards compatibility, and other good ideas.

Screencast/demo: (I have this new switcher bound to option+tab, and can still use the regular macos cmd-tab switcher)