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#pragma mark - NSURLConnection methods
- (BOOL)connectionShouldUseCredentialStorage:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
return NO;
- (BOOL)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace:(NSURLProtectionSpace *)protectionSpace {
//NSLog(@"can auth");
# .gitignore file for Xcode5
# NB: if you are storing "built" products, this WILL NOT WORK,
# and you should use a different .gitignore (or none at all)
# This file is for SOURCE projects, where there are many extra
# files that we want to exclude
# For updates, see:
# and

在 Xcode 里下载文件真的是一种折磨, 特别是每次 Xcode 大版本更新都会遇到新的下载内容. 经过一翻周折, 本人找到一个方法可以轻松快速便捷地下载和安装对应的 Simulator 和 Doc 文件

  1. 在 Mac 下, 打开 Xcode, 进入 Preference 中的 Downloads 面板
  2. 点击任意的下载按钮
  3. 打开系统帮助工具 Console
  4. 稍等一会儿, 在 Xcode 里取消下载, 然后你会在 Console 里面看到对应的下载地址 (对应的 Cosnole Message 是 (DVTDownloadable: Download Cancelled. Downloadable: ...) 之类的)
  5. 复制对应的链接地址, 到某雷或者任何比 Xcode 下载快的工具里
  6. 等待下载完成, 进入 /Users/#{Username}/Library/Caches
phnessu4 / ObservableType+compose.swift
Created August 13, 2018 02:47 — forked from sgr-ksmt/ObservableType+compose.swift
compose operator for RxSwift
struct ComposeTransformer<T, R> {
let transformer: (Observable<T>) -> Observable<R>
init(transformer: @escaping (Observable<T>) -> Observable<R>) {
self.transformer = transformer
func call(_ observable: Observable<T>) -> Observable<R> {
return transformer(observable)