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"boxes" : [ {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "message",
"text" : "stop",
"numoutlets" : 1,
"outlettype" : [ "" ],
"patching_rect" : [ 624.0, 684.0, 31.0, 22.0 ],
"id" : "obj-41",
"numinlets" : 2
"boxes" : [ {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "newobj",
"text" : "p fade-gate~",
"numoutlets" : 1,
"fontname" : "Lato",
"outlettype" : [ "signal" ],
"patching_rect" : [ 715.0833740234375, 705.4400634765625, 85.0, 24.0 ],
"id" : "obj-125",
"boxes" : [ {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "button",
"numoutlets" : 1,
"outlettype" : [ "bang" ],
"style" : "chiba",
"patching_rect" : [ 381.0, 370.0, 24.0, 24.0 ],
"id" : "obj-81",
"numinlets" : 1,
-- kayan: probabalistic
-- melody discovery
-- ENC2 = reveal melody
-- KEY2 = discover new melody
-- support your local
-- rainforest
-- created by @burn
-- rebound: a kinetic sequencer
-- key1: shift^
-- key2: add/^remove orb
-- key3: select next orb
-- enc1: change orb note
-- enc2: rotate orb^s
-- enc3: accelerate orb^s
-- written by nf in august 2018
-- 5-track euclidean drama
-- @tehn + @AlessandroBonino ;)
-- E1 select
-- E2 density
-- E3 length
-- K2 reset phase
-- K3 start/stop
-- K1 = ALT