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module Paperclip
class ThumbnailWithDimensions < Thumbnail
def initialize(file, options = {}, attachment = nil)
attachment.instance.width = @current_geometry.width
attachment.instance.height = @current_geometry.height
# rake db:fixtures:dump
namespace :db do
namespace :fixtures do
desc 'Create YAML test fixtures from data in an existing database.
Defaults to development database. Set RAILS_ENV to override.'
task :dump => :environment do
sql = "SELECT * FROM %s"
skip_tables = ["schema_info", "schema_migrations"]
# This is a trivial HTTP proxy server, intended for use as a troubleshooting tool
# ONLY (not for real, actual, production use). I wrote this because I couldn't find
# a simple HTTP proxy that I could use to test HTTP proxy support in Net::SSH.
# This code is in the public domain, so do with it what you will!
require 'socket'
server ='', 8080)
client = server.accept