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Building Noptin


Building Noptin
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PurpleBooth /
Last active July 28, 2024 03:34
A template to make good

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


sakalauskas / FontAwesome-v5.0.9-Free.json
Last active February 14, 2024 03:28
List of all Font Awesome 5 icons in JSON Cheetsheet
"fas fa-address-book","fas fa-address-card","fas fa-adjust","fas fa-align-center","fas fa-align-justify","fas fa-align-left","fas fa-align-right","fas fa-allergies","fas fa-ambulance","fas fa-american-sign-language-interpreting","fas fa-anchor","fas fa-angle-double-down","fas fa-angle-double-left","fas fa-angle-double-right","fas fa-angle-double-up","fas fa-angle-down","fas fa-angle-left","fas fa-angle-right","fas fa-angle-up","fas fa-archive","fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-down","fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-left","fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-right","fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-up","fas fa-arrow-circle-down","fas fa-arrow-circle-left","fas fa-arrow-circle-right","fas fa-arrow-circle-up","fas fa-arrow-down","fas fa-arrow-left","fas fa-arrow-right","fas fa-arrow-up","fas fa-arrows-alt","fas fa-arrows-alt-h","fas fa-arrows-alt-v","fas fa-assistive-listening-systems","fas fa-asterisk","fas fa-at","fas fa-audio-description","fas fa-backward","fas fa-balance-scale","fas fa-ban","fas fa-band-aid","fas fa-barcode","fas fa-bars",
howyay / Setting up Postfix on
Last active July 31, 2024 12:00
A guide to set up a Postfix + Dovecot IMAP server with complete spf, dkim and dmarc support.

An ultimate guide to Postfix + Dovecot IMAP server with complete SPF, DKIM and DMARC support and additional instructions for a multi-domain setup

In this guide, will be your root domain and will be the hostname of your mail server

MjHead / get-jet-engine-meta-fields.php
Last active June 11, 2024 15:07
JetEngine. Get registered meta fields by given context - post type, taxonomy or user
* Get fields for the given context and object
* Should be called on hook 'init' with priority 11 or later
// Fields for Post post type
$post_fields = jet_engine()->meta_boxes->get_fields_for_context( 'post_type', 'post' );
// Fields for Product post type