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doomy piedoom

rust rust rust rust rust rust rust rust
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# init tumblr
Tumblr.configure do |config|
config.consumer_key = "ASDHASKDJHASKDJHASKD"
config.consumer_secret = "ASDHASKDJHASKDJHASKD"
config.oauth_token = "ASDHASKDJHASKDJHASKD"
config.oauth_token_secret = "ASDHASKDJHASKDJHASKD"
C:\Program Files (x86)\VstPlugins\test\djfilter_x64.dll
com.bitwig.flt.library.metadata.reader.exception.CouldNotReadMetadataException: could not read metadata: Could not read VST plug-in metadata
64 bit plugin host reported errors: Pluginhost returned non zero exit code -2
Error messages:
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Error { repr: Os { code: 5, message: "Access is denied." } }', src\libcore\
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.
32 bit plugin host reported errors: Pluginhost returned non zero exit code -1
impl ExPlugin {
fn process_one_channel<F: Float + AsPrim>(&mut self, input: &[F], output: &mut [F]) {
for (input_sample, output_sample) in input.iter().zip(output) {
*output_sample = rand::random::<f64>() as F
// error, non-scalar cast
// READ: using this external library struct -
// I have a simple function:
fn render_next(&self, buffer: &AudioBuffer<F>) {
let &(ref inputs, ref outputs) = &buffer.split();
// Error: cannot move out of borrowed content
impl<T> Default for MyStruct<T> where T: SomeTrait + Default {
fn default() -> Self {
MyStruct { some_field: SomeTrait::default() } // <-- error
pub fn set_voice_note_off(&mut self, note_data: NoteData){
for voice in &mut self.voices {
match voice.state {
// we only care if the note is currently on
VoiceState::On => {
// check if this voice is currently playing the note desired to be turned off
if voice.note_data.note == note_data.note {
// success - we found the voice to turn off
// replace the stored `voice.note_data` with our new `note_data`
piedoom /
Last active June 12, 2017 23:44 — forked from anonymous/
Shared via Rust Playground
pub struct MyStruct<'a> {
stuffs: Vec<&'a AnotherStruct>
pub struct AnotherStruct {
some_data: DataStruct
pub struct DataStruct {
number: i32,
use asprim::AsPrim;
use vst2::buffer::AudioBuffer;
use vst2::api::Events;
use vst2::event::Event;
use num_traits::Float;
use voice::{Voice, VoiceState, Renderable};
use utility::*;
use utility::note::{NoteData, NoteState};
/// The base structure for handling voices, sounds, and processing
use asprim::AsPrim;
use vst2::buffer::AudioBuffer;
use vst2::api::Events;
use vst2::event::Event;
use num_traits::Float;
use voice::{Voice, VoiceState, Renderable};
use utility::*;
use utility::note::{NoteData, NoteState};
/// The base structure for handling voices, sounds, and processing
pub fn set_voice_note_on(&mut self, note_data: NoteData){
// loop over all available voices
for voice in &mut self.voices {
// check the `VoiceState` and find one that's off
if voice.state == VoiceState::Off {
// send a note to an unused voice.
voice.note_data = note_data;
// add our voice to our vector of used voice references
self.voices_in_use.push(voice); // <===== compiles if removed