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pierre-haessig /
Created May 20, 2014 17:54
A simple code to interact in Python with the "real" 2048 game in web browser.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Pierre Haessig — May 2014
"""A simple code to interact in Python with the "real" 2048 game in web browser.
from __future__ import print_function
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
pierre-haessig / logit_scale.ipynb
Created October 8, 2014 13:34
Logit scale, for plotting cumulated probability distributions (matplotlib implementation). Better visualization of the tails
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pierre-haessig / config
Last active April 3, 2020 00:36
Raspberry Pi kernel config: comparing Raspbian's 3.12-1-rpi vs. RPi foundation's 3.12.32+ (e.g. config of 1-Wire bus)
# Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.
# Linux/arm 3.12.32 Kernel Configuration
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pierre-haessig / luminosity_2_channels.ino
Created May 21, 2015 12:04
2 channels light sensor (Broadband+IR) based on Arduino board + TSL2561 sensor
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Adafruit_TSL2561_U.h>
Adafruit_TSL2561_Unified tsl = Adafruit_TSL2561_Unified(TSL2561_ADDR_FLOAT, 12345);
void displaySensorDetails(void)
sensor_t sensor;
pierre-haessig / logit_norm_imshow.ipynb
Created July 13, 2015 15:42
Image plot with a logit scale -- example of a transition matrix
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pierre-haessig / Marker disappear bug.ipynb
Created May 26, 2016 11:28
Matplotlib markers disappear bug when using seaborn-notebook style (mpl 1.5.1)
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pierre-haessig / Diamonds Altair.ipynb
Created October 24, 2016 16:06
first test of Altair viz package on the diamonds dataset
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pierre-haessig / JuMP modify constraint.ipynb
Created May 25, 2018 16:09
Experiment with the ability to modify a constraint of an existing optimization problem modeled with JuMP
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pierre-haessig / Marp_ecosystem_map.drawio
Last active July 19, 2021 10:25
Marp tools concept maps
<mxfile host="Electron" modified="2021-07-19T10:24:03.119Z" agent="5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.128 Electron/12.0.7 Safari/537.36" etag="CDG5akxwugxlUMQvqCN3" version="14.6.13" type="device"><diagram id="Ig-QWzCFrPFKFMDAhXfC" name="Page-1">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