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Matthew Zipkin pinheadmz

  • port 8333
View GitHub Profile
'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');
const {Chain, Pool} = require('hsd');
const NetAddress = require('hsd/lib/net/netaddress');
const Logger =require('hsd/node_modules/blgr');
const IP =require('hsd/node_modules/binet');
'use strict';
const {NodeClient, WalletClient} = require('hs-client');
const {Network} = require('hsd');
const network = Network.get('regtest');
const nodeOptions = {
network: network.type,
port: network.rpcPort

Claiming Handshake Faucet Coins with Multisig

For a deep dive into the mechanics of the faucet, airdrop and claims, read this article.


// USAGE: hsd --log-console=false --plugins=/path/to/this/file/addr-bal.js
'use strict';
const {CoinEntry} = require('hsd');
const layout = require('hsd/lib/blockchain/layout');
const plugin = exports;
class Plugin {
constructor(node) {
// USAGE: hsd --log-console=false --plugins=/path/to/this/file/expiring-plug.js
'use strict';
const {
} = require('hsd');
const plugin = exports;
'use strict';
const {NodeClient} = require('hs-client');
const {Network} = require('hsd');
const network = Network.get('main');
const clientOptions = {
network: network.type,
port: network.rpcPort


Introduce new covenant types and backwards-compatible rules for miners in order to collectively generate a deterministic yet unpredictable random value over a period of time. This scheme relies on the assumption that miners are diverse (decentralized) and are competitive against each other, not collaborating with each other.


'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
const {SPVNode, Namestate, Rules, resource} = require('hsd');
const argv = process.argv;
assert(argv.length === 3, 'Usage:\n $ node zooko-spv.js <name>');
assert(Rules.verifyName(argv[2], 'Invalid name.'));
const nameHash = Rules.hashName(argv[2]);
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');
const Path = require('path');
const hdns = require('hdns');
const {encoding} = require('hdns/node_modules/bcrypto');
const {pem} = encoding;
const host = process.argv[2];

bcoin v2.2.0 has been released!

Featuring bech32m support for sending to Taproot addresses.

Be sure to read and understand the upgrade details in CHANGELOG

IF YOU USE THE ADDRESS INDEXER you will need to delete and rebuild that database, which could take 24-48 hours depending on your machine:

  • Stop bcoin (bcoin-cli rpc stop or ctrl-C)