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piotrga / gist:1520404
Created December 26, 2011 02:20
Matrix multiplication with parallel collections and idiomatic scala
def multiThreadedIdiomatic(m1:Seq[Array[Double]], m2:Array[Array[Double]] ) ={
val res = Array.fill(m1.length, m2(0).length)(0.0)
for(row <- (0 until m1.length).par;
col <- (0 until m2(0).length).par;
i <- 0 until m1(0).length){
res(row)(col) += m1(row)(i) * m2(i)(col)
piotrga / gist:1520363
Created December 26, 2011 01:37
Matrix multiplication with parallel collections
override def multiply(m1: Array[Array[Double]], m2: Array[Array[Double]]) : Array[Array[Double]] = {
val res = Array.ofDim[Double](m1.length, m2(0).length)
val M1_COLS = m1(0).length
val M1_ROWS = m1.length
val M2_COLS = m2(0).length
@inline def singleThreadedMultiplicationFAST(start_row:Int, end_row:Int) {
var col, i = 0
var sum = 0.0
var row = start_row
piotrga / gist:1520175
Created December 26, 2011 00:55
@inline def singleThreadedMultiplicationFAST(m1:Seq[Array[Double]], m2:Array[Array[Double]] ) ={
val res = Array.ofDim[Double](m1.length, m2(0).length)
val M1_COLS = m1(0).length
val M1_ROWS = m1.length
val M2_COLS = m2(0).length
var col, i = 0
var sum = 0.0
var row = 0
piotrga / gist:1520154
Created December 26, 2011 00:48
@inline def singleThreadedMultiplication1(m1:Seq[Array[Double]], m2:Array[Array[Double]] ) ={
val res = Array.ofDim[Double](m1.length, m2(0).length)
var col, i = 0
var row = 0
// while statements are much faster than for statements
while(row < m1.length){ col = 0
while(col < m2(0).length){ i = 0
while(i < m1(0).length){
res(row)(col) += m1(row)(i) * m2(i)(col)
piotrga / gist:1520151
Created December 26, 2011 00:42
def singleThreadedMultiplication2(m1:Seq[Array[Double]], m2:Array[Array[Double]] ) ={
val res = Array.fill(m1.length, m2(0).length)(0.0)
for(row <- 0 until m1.length;
col <- 0 until m2(0).length;
i <- 0 until m1(0).length){
res(row)(col) += m1(row)(i) * m2(i)(col)
piotrga / gist:1519814
Created December 25, 2011 22:06
Lazy prime numbers
def primes : Stream[Int] = {
def findNextPrime(primes: List[Int])={
var i = primes.head+1
while(primes.exists(x => i % x == 0)){i+=1}
def prim(primes:List[Int]): Stream[Int] = primes match{
case Nil => 1 #:: 2 #:: prim(List(2))
piotrga / gist:1519778
Created December 25, 2011 21:36
Try-Catch abstraction
connected {
} otherwise {
println("Error! Got disconnected.")
def doSomethingDangerous() = {/*...*/}
def connected(body: => Unit): Result =
piotrga / gist:1519603
Created December 25, 2011 18:49
Type classes in scala 2
def sum[T](list: Seq[T])(implicit typeClass : AddTypeClass[T]) = {
trait AddTypeClass[T]{
def add(a:T, b:T) : T
implicit val ints = new AddTypeClass[Int]{
def add(a: Int, b: Int) = a+b
piotrga / gist:1519565
Created December 25, 2011 18:13
trait CurrencyLike[Repr <: CurrencyLike[Repr]]{
val value : Double
def make(d:Double) : Repr
def +(x: Repr) = make(x.value + value)
class USD(val value: Double) extends CurrencyLike[USD] { def make(d: Double) = new USD(d) }
class EUR(val value: Double) extends CurrencyLike[EUR] { def make(d: Double) = new EUR(d) }
piotrga / gist:1517067
Created December 24, 2011 10:19
Type classes in scala
trait TypeClass1[T]{
def add(a:T, b:T) : T
implicit val ints = new TypeClass1[Int]{
def add(a: Int, b: Int) = a+b
def sum[T: TypeClass1](list: List[T]) = {