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piotrpog / emailLinks.twig
Created April 25, 2019 23:04
Twig macro converting email addresses in text into links secured from spambots. More info:
piotrpog / pagination_ellipsis.twig
Last active June 24, 2019 15:54
Pagination template component for Craft CMS. Excessive links are replaced by elipsis. More info:
{# v3 #}
{# #}
{# requires pageInfo variable #}
{# settings #}
{% set neighbours = 1 %}
{# symbols #}
{% set prev = '❮' %}
{% set next = '❯' %}
piotrpog / pagination_select.twig
Created May 10, 2019 00:06
Pagination template component for Craft CMS. List of pages is rendered using <select> HTML element. More info:
{# settings #}
{% set info = pageInfo %}
{# logic #}
{% if info.totalPages > 1 %}
<select name="" id="" onchange="document.location.href = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
{% for link in info.getRangeUrls( 1, info.totalPages ) %}
<option value="{{link}}" {{info.currentPage == loop.index ? 'selected="selected"'}}>{{'page'|t}} {{loop.index}}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% set shortname = 'YOUR_WEBSITE_SHORTNAME' %}
{% if entry is defined %}
<div id="disqus_thread"></div>
var disqus_config = function () { = '{{entry.url}}'; = '{{}}'; = '{{entry.title}}';
(function() { // DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE
{# v2 #}
{% if pagination_list is defined %}
{% js %}
{% set current_url = craft.request.getRequestUri()|split(craft.request.getPath())[0]~craft.request.getPath() %}
{% set ajax_data = {
current_url: current_url,
pagination_list: pagination_list|hash,
pagination_parameters: pagination_parameters ?? null,
piotrpog / responsive_image.twig
Created June 19, 2019 09:24
Responsive image macro
{% macro responsiveImage(file, sizes, options) %}
{# settings #}
{% set pixel = '' %}
{# logic #}
{% if file is defined and sizes is defined and sizes is iterable %}
{% if sizes|first is iterable or sizes|first is null %}
{# array of transforms #}
<picture class="{{options.class ?? null}}">
{% for media, settings in sizes %}
{% set url = settings is not null ? file.getUrl(settings) : pixel %}
piotrpog / phone_number.twig
Last active June 21, 2019 13:44
Phone number macro - this macro strips unnesesary haracters from phone numbers and generates "phone links.
{% macro phoneNumber(phoneNumber) %}
<a href="tel:{{ phoneNumber|replace({'-':'', ' ':'', '.':'', '(':'', ')':''}) }}">{{ phoneNumber }}</a>
{% endmacro %}
piotrpog / read_time_macro.twig
Created June 21, 2019 21:22
This macro will return read time in human readable format, adjusted to your site locale. More info:
{% macro readTime(text) %}
{% spaceless %}
{# v1 #}
{# settings #}
{% set wordsPerMinute = 265 %}
{% set showLessThanMinute = true %}
{# logic #}
{% set plaintext = text|striptags|replace({'—': ' ', '–': ' ', '-': ' ', '\n': ' '}) %}
{% set words = plaintext|split(' ') %}
{% set minutes = ceil(words|length / wordsPerMinute) %}
{# v2 #}
{# #}
{# logic #}
{% set currentElement = %}
{% set sites = %}
{% set switcherLinks = [] %}
{% for site in sites if site.baseUrl is not empty %}
{# v1 #}
{% macro truncateWords(text, length, suffix) %}
{% spaceless %}
{# settings #}
{% set defaultSuffix = '...' %}
{# logic #}
{% if text and length %}
{% set suffix = suffix|default(defaultSuffix) %}
{% set text = text|striptags %}
{% set text = text|replace('/\\n/', '\n ') %}