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PJ Hoberman pjhoberman

  • Denver, Colorado
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#binary to int:
# int("001", 2) --> 1
# int("101", 2) --> 5
# seat = "FBFBBFFRLR"
# row = seat[:7]
# col = seat[7:]
def get_seat(seat):
row = int("".join(map(lambda letter: {"F": "0", "B": "1"}[letter], seat[:7])), 2)


import csv
import datetime
location_tmpl = {
'COUNTY': None,
'NAME': None,
'IS_DROP_BOX': None,
import csv
import datetime
locations = []
with open('co2.csv', 'r') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file)
previous_address = None
for i, line in enumerate(reader):
# print(i, line)
<title>3-Cheese Stuffed Shells with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 04 Sep 2020 16:43:17 +0000</pubDate>
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<img src="" alt="3-Cheese Stuffed Shells with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce" data-attribution="Photo by Yvonne Duivenvoorden" title="3-Cheese Stuffed Shells with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce" />
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'I thought I was going to die': Denver safety director Murphy Robinson talks about the time a trooper put a gun to his head

Alayna Alvarez, Colorado Politics Jun 10, 2020 Updated Jun 11, 2020 0

IMG_9929 (2).JPG Denver's newly appointed public safety director Murphy Robinson raises a fist in support of the George Floyd protests on June 4, 2020, at Civic Center Park's amphitheater during a memorial service honoring Floyd's life.

Alayna Alvarez, Colorado Politics

When asked to recount a turbulent interaction with police that has had the greatest influence on his life, Murphy Robinson, Denver's newly appointed safety director, had to think.

2020-04-24T18:29:59.8282181Z ##[group]Run python migrate
2020-04-24T18:29:59.8282493Z python migrate
2020-04-24T18:29:59.8329923Z shell: /bin/bash -e {0}
2020-04-24T18:29:59.8330142Z env:
2020-04-24T18:29:59.8330822Z SECRET_KEY: ***
2020-04-24T18:29:59.8331062Z DB_NAME: ***
2020-04-24T18:29:59.8331283Z DB_USER: ***
2020-04-24T18:29:59.8331490Z DB_PASSWORD: ***
2020-04-24T18:29:59.8331710Z DB_HOST: ***
2020-04-24T18:29:59.8331978Z SENDGRID_API_KEY: ***