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Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

plugin 'exception_notifier',
:git => 'git://'
plugin 'rpx_now',
:git => 'git://'
plugin 'role_requirement',
:git => 'git://'
gem 'mislav-will_paginate', :version => '~> 2.2.3',
:lib => 'will_paginate', :source => ''
gem 'rubyist-aasm', :lib => 'aasm', :source => ''
(defn when-its-one []
(loop []
(if (= 1 (rand-int 2000))
(println "foo")
(defn domap [f & colls]
(let [num-colls (count colls)]
(doseq [args (partition num-colls (apply interleave colls))]
(apply f args))))
(domap println [1 2])
(domap println [1 2] [3 4])
(domap println [1 2] [3 4] [5 6])
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# A hook script to verify that only syntactically valid ruby code is commited.
# Called by git-commit with no arguments. The hook should
# exit with non-zero status after issuing an appropriate message if
# it wants to stop the commit.
# Put this code into a file called "pre-commit" inside your .git/hooks
# directory, and make sure it is executable ("chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit")
We couldn’t find that file to show.
3.1.1 Mac OS X guests
Starting with version 3.2, VirtualBox has experimental support for Mac OS X guests.
This allows you to install and execute unmodified versions of OS X on supported host
Whereas competing solutions perform modifications to the OS X install DVDs (e.g.
different boot loader and replaced files), VirtualBox is the first product to provide the
modern PC architecture expected by OS X without requiring any “hacks”.
You should be aware of a number of important issues before attempting to install
a Mac OS X guest:
1. OS X is commercial, licensed software and contains both license and technical
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAovIjosqEJkuKfnq+Sk10VzO80dVdfhxMOzCJ5lJ42aaD0UxwrXlWgPaoxvLoYvmKMBg3g728ZZmWGo3E2uVYYS1DxiEcjopP6lgbHiQR1kjWufLz3dzVJ3DhqIw/LFPW0kmIwC7nPOrVjKdBLbwOwn6RH8dRFFfL26kfaS7miugEB6nexL8IjyxVoVyhciDiknRqE7/dgLGIjKdp6WYP89aQWQ8w28hs9RF4bsrpCYxbHUXjHWYOOFZp3tye4bCo3A8TCBRItWchpYvWHD0EppTQJ3EcSLQ+bUT9w+bJiT2/oRku9f/U4BOr0yWP1xr3f9lVRY+kCM9OJgeB9Pu1/Q==
riak_test(Fun) ->
{ok, Riak} = riak:local_client(),
Ret = (catch Fun(Riak)),
case Ret of
(defun gist-region (begin end &optional private &optional callback)
"Post the current region as a new paste at
Copies the URL into the kill ring.
With a prefix argument, makes a private paste."
(interactive "r\nP")
(let* ((file (or (buffer-file-name) (buffer-name)))
(name (file-name-nondirectory file))
(ext (or (cdr (assoc major-mode gist-supported-modes-alist))
(file-name-extension file)
(defun gist-list ()
"Displays a list of all of the current user's gists in a new buffer."
(message "Retrieving list of your gists...")
(github-with-auth-info login token
(format "" login)