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using BenchmarkTools
A = rand(10000)
B = Vector[rand(10) for i = 1:1000]
C = rand(10,1000)
D = rand(10000)
E = Vector[rand(10) for i = 1:1000]
F = rand(10, 1000)
function fast!(a, c)
+- Any << abstract immutable size:0 >>
. +- Cycle = Base.Cycle{I} << concrete immutable size:8 >>
. +- Tuple = Tuple{Vararg{Char}} << concrete immutable size:0 >>
. . +- Union{AbstractArray{A<:AbstractArray{Int64,1},1},AbstractArray{Range{Int64},1},AbstractArray{UnitRange{Int64},1},Tuple{Vararg{Union{AbstractArray{Int64,1},Range{T}}}}}
. . . +- RangeVecIntList = Union{AbstractArray{A<:AbstractArray{Int64,1},1},AbstractArray{Range{Int64},1},AbstractArray{UnitRange{Int64},1},Tuple{Vararg{Union{AbstractArray{Int64,1},Range{T}}}}}
. . +- Chars = Union{AbstractArray{Char,1},Char,Set{Char},Tuple{Vararg{Char}}}
. +- AbstractCmd = Base.AbstractCmd << abstract immutable size:0 >>
. +- NewvarNode << concrete immutable size:8 >>
. +- TopNode << concrete immutable size:8 >>
. . +- ExprNode = Union{Expr,GlobalRef,GotoNode,LabelNode,LineNumberNode,QuoteNode,SymbolNode,TopNode}
using CUTEst
patho_problems=[ "ARGTRIGLS"
julia> using Plots
INFO: Precompiling module Plots...
WARNING: Base.writemime is deprecated.
likely near /home/pkm/.julia/v0.5/Plots/src/backends/gadfly.jl:696
WARNING: Base.writemime is deprecated.
likely near /home/pkm/.julia/v0.5/Plots/src/backends/gadfly.jl:696
WARNING: Base.writemime is deprecated.
likely near /home/pkm/.julia/v0.5/Plots/src/backends/gadfly.jl:696
WARNING: Base.writemime is deprecated.
likely near /home/pkm/.julia/v0.5/Plots/src/backends/gadfly.jl:696
using Base.Test
Base.hcat(Xin::Union{SparseVector, SparseMatrixCSC}...) = hcat(map(SparseMatrixCSC, Xin)...)
Base.vcat(Xin::Union{SparseVector, SparseMatrixCSC}...) = vcat(map(SparseMatrixCSC, Xin)...)
Base.hcat(Xin::Union{Vector, AbstractSparseVector}...) = hcat(map(sparse, Xin)...)
Base.vcat(Xin::Union{Vector, AbstractSparseVector}...) = vcat(map(sparse, Xin)...)
function Base.hcat(Xin::Union{Matrix, Vector, SparseMatrixCSC}...)
X = SparseMatrixCSC[issparse(x) ? x : sparse(x) for x in Xin]
julia> using Base.Test
julia> # Quadratic objective function
# For (A*x-b)^2/2
function quadratic!(x, g, AtA, Atb, tmp)
calc_grad = !(g === nothing)
A_mul_B!(tmp, AtA, x)
v = dot(x,tmp)/2 + dot(Atb,x)
if calc_grad
for i = 1:length(g)
julia> using Base.Test
julia> # Quadratic objective function
# For (A*x-b)^2/2
function quadratic!(x, g, AtA, Atb, tmp)
calc_grad = !(g === nothing)
A_mul_B!(tmp, AtA, x)
v = dot(x,tmp)/2 + dot(Atb,x)
if calc_grad
\addplot[name path=function, domain=-1.5:1] {x^2};
\path[name path=axis] (axis cs:-1.5,0.0) -- (axis cs:1,0.0);
\addplot[yellow] fill between[of = function and axis];
using Benchmarks
mydot{T<:BLAS.BlasReal, TI<:Integer}(x::Vector{T}, rx::Union{UnitRange{TI},Range{TI}}, y::Vector{T}, ry::Union{UnitRange{TI},Range{TI}}) =, rx), sub(y, ry))
mydot{T<:BLAS.BlasComplex, TI<:Integer}(x::Vector{T}, rx::Union{UnitRange{TI},Range{TI}}, y::Vector{T}, ry::Union{UnitRange{TI},Range{TI}}) = BLAS.dotc(sub(x, rx), sub(y, ry))
n = 1000
m = 20
step_size = 5
x = rand(n)
y = rand(n)
xc = rand(Complex128, n)
julia> @code_warntype [sprand(10,10,.1) rand(10,10)]