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Peter Koraca pkorac

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pkorac /
Last active September 13, 2024 19:16
Show local IP and copy to Clipboard

Print & Copy Local IP

Grab your local IP when developing web-apps and paste it in your browser/mobile

This script will print out your local IP and copy it to clipboard. When serving/developing a web-project with Nuxt for example, You can then paste this url into your phone and test it on the device.

The url that gets printed/copied looks like so:

<div class="w-96 mx-auto py-12 flex flex-col gap-12 items-center">
<h1 class="text-center text-4xl font-bold">Canvas resize</h1>
class="w-32 h-32 rounded-full"
// Ported from Stefan Gustavson's java implementation
// Read Stefan's excellent paper for details on how this code works.
// Sean McCullough
* You can pass in a random number generator object if you like.
* It is assumed to have a random() method.
pkorac / leafletGeoJsonTileLayer.js
Last active December 16, 2018 07:43
A really simple GeoJSON tile layer in Leaflet solution The original idea belongs to Koko A. but this is a really simple and minimal piece of code I found if you want to use tiled json layers in leaflet.js Read more about it below (in the script) and be sure that your coordinates are good in the geojson files (i.e. in the right projection).
The original idea for this gist comes from Koko A.'s post on leaflet-js google groups
Use it at your own peril (
## The basic concept
- setup the map and the tiles as usual
- respond to the "tileload" event with a function that loads the json file (that has the same name - z, x, y - as the tile)