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ffmpeg -f alsa -i pulse -acodec pcm_s16le -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1024x768 -i :0.0 /home/arne/record/`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`.mkv
ruby 2.1.1p76 (2014-02-24 revision 45161) [x86_64-linux]
git clone
cd typecheck
bundle install
bundle exec rake mutant
require 'benchmark/ips'
# For comparison
class TransientArray < Array
def add(x)
self << x
class PersistentArray < Array
= 0.5.12
Mutant configuration:
Matcher: #<Mutant::Matcher::Namespace cache=#<Mutant::Cache> namespace=Yaks>
Strategy: #<Mutant::Rspec::Strategy>
Expect Coverage: 100.000000%
(06/11) 54% - 0.70s
# There is some interesting magic going on regarding time zones in Rails, even more
# so in Rails 3. The easiest is to talk in UTC to your database and any other service
# you might consume, but we're stuck with a legacy schema that stores Irish time
# without time zone information.
# With these settings, ActiveRecord assumes that what is in your DB is in local time,
# and the local time zone is configured to be Dublin, i.e. IST (Irish summer time)
# in summer, UTC (in Ruby still referred to as GMT) in winter.
# When writing to the DB times will first be converted it to Irish time (if it's not already).
# When reading no conversion happens but the time zone is set as being IST/GMT.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
require 'open-uri'
#txt = open('').read
txt = open('').read
# (1) Fri Jun/11 16:00 South Africa 1-1 Mexico @ Soccer City, Johannesburg
# (1) Thu Jun/12 17:00 Brazil - Croatia @ Arena de São Paulo, São Paulo (UTC-3)
regex = %r{
# Example: Ruby Enumerator#lazy does not memoize
# A lazy enumerator that displays which elements get realized {|i| print "#{i}." ; i}
# Turns [1,2,3] into [1,[2,[3,[]]]]
def nested(x)
if x.first.nil?
# Given an ordered list of elements, how can the possible combinations
# of those elements (of all lengths, order does not matter, no
# repetition) be traversed in the sequence shown below? Either
# iterative or recursive, but it needs to be in such a way that the
# computation of certain branches can be skipped based on a condition
# computed from the combination. E.g. when it reaches [:a, :b], it
# should be possible to say: if check?([:a, :b]) then skip everything
# until [:a, :b, :d] and continue with [:a, :c].
# In the concrete problem behind this, the list of elements is a lot
bearings = {
north: ->(x,y) { [x+1, y] },
east: ->(x,y) { [x, y+1] },
south: ->(x,y) { [x-1, y] },
west: ->(x,y) { [x, y-1] }
bot = ->(x, y, bearing) do
coords: [x, y],
DateNameNetworkPlacepingdown mbpsup mbps
22/11/2013Cafe DaltonBuenos Aires183.040.51
23/11/2013Cam24Buenos Aires521.570.49
25/11/2013Alpina SkateBuenos Aires204.941.15
26/11/2013Recoletta HostelBuenos Aires160.950.25
30/11/2013Alvear HostelSSCCordoba294.043.85
02/12/2013La MoraCordoba319.781.16
08/12/2013Alvear HostelFiberte