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namespace ContactList.Features.Contact
using System;
using AutoMapper;
using ContactLists.Core;
using Core.Domain;
using FluentValidation;
using MediatR;
public class ContactEdit
using System.Linq;
using ContactList.Core.Domain;
using ContactList.Tests;
using static Testing;
public class EntityTests
public void ShouldPersist<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : Entity
public static class Testing
private static IContainer Container => TestDependencyScope.CurrentNestedContainer;
public static T Resolve<T>()
return Container.GetInstance<T>();
public static object Resolve(Type type)
public class AutoFixtureParameterSource : ParameterSource
public IEnumerable<object[]> GetParameters(MethodInfo method)
// Produces a randomly-populated object for each
// parameter declared on the test method, using
// a Fixture that has our customizations.
var fixture = new Fixture();
public class NestedContainerPerCase : CaseBehavior
public void Execute(Case context, Action next)
public static class IoC
private static readonly Lazy<IContainer> Bootstrapper = new Lazy<IContainer>(Initialize, true);
public static IContainer Container => Bootstrapper.Value;
private static IContainer Initialize()
return new Container(cfg =>
public class ResetDatabase : CaseBehavior
public void Execute(Case context, Action next)
var checkpoint = new Checkpoint
SchemasToExclude = new[] { "RoundhousE" },
TablesToIgnore = new[] { "sysdiagrams" }
public class InitializeAutoMapper : ClassBehavior
public void Execute(Class context, Action next)
public class AutoMapperBootstrapper
private static readonly Lazy<AutoMapperBootstrapper> Bootstrapper = new Lazy<AutoMapperBootstrapper>(InternalInitialize);
public static void Initialize()
var bootstrapper = Bootstrapper.Value;
private AutoMapperBootstrapper()
public class TestingConvention : Convention
public TestingConvention()
.Where(method => method.IsVoid() || method.IsAsync());