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pmichaud@plum:~$ cat
my @a = 1..10;
foreach (grep { $_ % 2 } @a) { $_++; }
print "@a\n";
pmichaud@plum:~$ perl
pmichaud@kiwi:~/p6/rakudo$ ./perl6
> my $h = Hash[Str,Int].new;
> $h{3} = 'hello'; # okay
> $h{'hello'} = 'hello'; # fails key check
Nominal type check failed for parameter 'key'; expected Int but got Str instead
> $h{4} = 15; # fails value check
Type check failed in assignment to '$v'; expected 'Str' but got 'Int'
sub foo {
state @ENDS;
my $foo = 'foo';
mkdir $foo;
@ENDS.push: { rmdir $foo };
END { .() for @ENDS }
pmichaud@kiwi:~/p6/rakudo$ cat rcx.p6
sub table ($base,$power) {
my $digits = ($base ** $power).chars;
printf "%{$digits}s lsb msb\n", 'number';
for ^$power {
my $x = $base ** $_;
printf "%{$digits}d %2d %2d\n", $x, $x.lsb, $x.msb;
sub msb(Int $self) {
return Nil if $self == 0;
return 0 if $self == -1;
my $msb = 0;
my $x = $self;
$x = ($x + 1) * -2 if $x < 0; # handle negative conversions
while $x > 0xff { $msb += 8; $x +>= 8; }
if $x > 0x0f { $msb += 4; $x +>= 4; }
if $x +& 0x8 { $msb += 3; }
elsif $x +& 0x4 { $msb += 2; }
pmichaud@kiwi:/zip/perl/rakudo-star-2013.01$ cat bbkr.p6
use HTTP::Easy::PSGI;
my $app = sub (%env) {
print %env.perl;
return [ 204, [ ], [ ] ];
my $psgi = host => "", port => 8080);
$ $app );
pmichaud@kiwi:/zip/perl/rakudo-star-2012.12$ cat bbkr.p6
use HTTP::Easy::PSGI;
my $app = sub (%env) {
print %env.perl;
return [ 204, [ ], [ ] ];
my $psgi = host => "", port => 8080);
$ $app );
pmichaud@kiwi:~/p6/rakudo$ ls
blib CREDITS dynext LHF.markdown LICENSE parrot src tools docs INSTALL.txt lib nqp README t VERSION
pmichaud@kiwi:~/p6/rakudo$ git clean -xdf
Removing nqp/
Removing parrot/
Removing t/spec/
pmichaud@kiwi:~/p6/rakudo$ ls nqp
3rdparty LICENSE nqp_group.h QASTNode.pbc
config.status Makefile nqp_group.o QAST.pbc
c255f1d interpolation of e.g. regexes in arrays in regexes
483ce86 [docs] update the download step in the release guide
42f8ead Some formatting updates to 2013.02 announcement.
f67e101 Update the release guide
78d2a2a [release] Add a new release announcement
c89dd87 [release] bump VERSION
256339c [release] bump NQP revision
pmichaud@kiwi:~/p6/nqp$ git log --graph --oneline f8a37df..f03f15a
* f03f15a bump VERSIOn to 2013.02.1
* 21a6b2c Fix braino in nqp_dyncall.ops.
* 1cc0d94 Wrap a Parrot detail up in a QAST::VM.
* 883fd06 bump VERSION to 2013.02
* 688763c Toss outdated comment.
* 866304d Toss long-broken --dumper option and related code.
* 6f3692d Port EXPR to NQP. Much code from kboga++.
* 2ddd4dc Merge pull request #75 from perl6/ops-fixes