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pmichaud@kiwi:~/p6/parrot$ git describe --tags
pmichaud@kiwi:~/p6/parrot$ cat z.pir
.sub 'main' :main
.local pmc stdin
stdin = getstdin
sweep 1
$I0 = 1000
pmichaud / gist:3805399
Created September 29, 2012 23:12
panda module failures in rakudo star
Testing modules/panda...
t/panda/builder.t .... sh: 1: perl6: not found
t/panda/builder.t .... Failed 3/5 subtests
t/panda/common.t ..... ok
t/panda/ecosystem.t .. ok
t/panda/fetcher.t .... fatal: repository 't/' does not exist
t/panda/fetcher.t .... ok
t/panda/installer.t .. ok
t/panda/tester.t ..... Could not execute (perl6 t/win.t): open3: exec of perl6 t/win.t failed at /usr/share/perl/5.14/TAP/Parser/Iterator/ line 168
t/panda/tester.t ..... 1/2 Could not execute (perl6 t/fail.t): open3: exec of perl6 t/fail.t failed at /usr/share/perl/5.14/TAP/Parser/Iterator/ line 168
We need to decide (quickly!) how to handle IO buffering for the
2012.09 Star release, as the 2012.09 compiler release introduces
several very user-visible regressions with standard filehandle IO.
Apparently Parrot versions prior to 4.8.0 have opened the
standard output filehandle as unbuffered, at least when
the standard output is an interactive device. A simple
test program illustrates this:
.sub 'main' :main
.sub 'main' :main
print "abc: "
sleep 2
print "def\n"
sleep 2
### as released in star 2012.08
pmichaud@kiwi:/zip/perl/rakudo-star-2012.08$ cat p2.p6
print "abc: ";
my $abc = $*IN.get;
say "abc = $abc";
print "def: ";
my $def = $*IN.get;
say "def = $def";
my $one = prompt "one: ";
say "one = $one";
my $two = prompt "two: ";
say "two = $two";
pmichaud@kiwi:~/p6/star/work/rakudo-star-2012.09$ make modules-test
/usr/bin/perl tools/build/ /home/pmichaud/p6/star/work/rakudo-star-2012.09 /home/pmichaud/p6/star/work/rakudo-star-2012.09/install/bin/perl6 modules/MODULES.txt
Testing modules/zavolaj...
t/01-argless.t ......... ok
t/02-simple-args.t ..... ok
t/03-simple-returns.t .. ok
t/04-pointers.t ........ ok
t/05-arrays.t .......... ok
t/06-struct.t .......... ok
t/07-writebarrier.t .... ok
pmichaud@kiwi:~/p6/nqp$ cat z.pir
.sub 'main' :main
concat $S1, unicode:"\x{a2}", unicode:"\x{a2}"
say $S1
pmichaud@kiwi:~/p6/nqp$ install/bin/parrot z.pir
Invalid character in ASCII string
pmichaud@kiwi:~/p6/nqp$ install/bin/parrot --version
This is Parrot version 4.8.0-devel built for amd64-linux
Test Summary Report
t\spec\S02-literals\quoting.rakudo (Wstat: 0 Tests: 152 Fai
led: 1)
Failed test: 152
t\spec\S02-types\declare.rakudo (Wstat: 256 Tests: 40 Fa
iled: 0)
Non-zero exit status: 1
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 79 tests but ran 40.
pmichaud@kiwi:~/p6/nqp$ cat eek.nqp
class thing::Grammar is HLL::Grammar {
token TOP { <command> }
token command { 'eek' }
class thing::Actions is HLL::Actions {