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;;; .elと入力した時、\\.elとして扱われるようにしたい。
(defun insert-result (s)
(insert (format "\n;;result:%s" s)))
(defun glob-to-regexp (str)
(loop for (pat . rep) in '(("\\." . "\\\\.") ("\\*" . ".*"))
do (setq str (replace-regexp-in-string pat rep str))
finally return str))
(use '[clojure.contrib.combinatorics :only (cartesian-product )])
(let [coll-to-num
(fn [coll]
(reduce #(+ (* %1 10) %2) 0 coll))]
(for [nums (apply cartesian-product (repeat 5 (range 0 10)))
:when (= (* 4 (coll-to-num nums))
(coll-to-num (reverse nums)))]
(defn overlap [coll]
(->> coll
(reduce (fn [m x]
(assoc m x (+ 1 (get m x 0))))
(filter (fn [[_ i]] (> i 1)))
(map first)))
(map (fn [x] x) (overlap [3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 8 9]))
;; draw pixels
(add-load-path "../")
(use gl.processing)
(use graphics.imlib2)
(use util.match)
(define *image-file* "a.jpg")
(define (load)
(let1 img (load-image *image-file*)
(define-module myutil.tree
(use gauche.experimental.ref)
(use util.match)
(use srfi-1)
(use gauche.experimental.lamb)
(select-module myutil.tree)
;;; primitive-procedure
(define (read-until p reader)
(let loop ((result '()))
(let1 e (reader)
(cond [(p e) (reverse result)]
[else (loop (cons e result))]))))
(define (read-sentence)
(display ":-) ")
(read-until (cut eq? <> '@) read)) ;;gaucheは'.を受け付けない
(define-cise-stmt RESULT_NEW_LIST
[(_ "base" i size loop-body)
`(let* ((__start::ScmObj SCM_NIL)
(__last::ScmObj SCM_NIL)
(__size::int ,size))
(dotimes (,i __size)
(result __start))]
[(_ :index i :size size ('let* binding . body))
`(RESULT_NEW_LIST "base" ,i ,size
mkdir ~/.fonts/afm
cd ~/.fonts/afm
mkafmmap `locate -r "\\.afm$"`
fc-cache -f -v
;; /** \file
;; * Regression test for bug #1987563 (reported by GenPFault) :
;; *
;; * glcEnable(GLC_KERNING_QSO) does not enable kerning.
;; * Microsoft Word 2003 and the official Freetype tutorial kerning algorithm
;; * both produced the correct kerning which is different from the kerning
;; * obtained with QuesoGLC.
;; * Actually, the combination of GLC_GL_OBJECTS and KERNING induces the bug.
;; */
;;; redefine draw function then update display automatically
(extend gl.processing)
(use gauche.threads)
(define gen-timer-id
(let1 i 0
(^ () (inc! i) i)))
(define (timer$ function)