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Pineapple a day keeps a pinedoctor away

Alexander Mankuta pointlessone

Pineapple a day keeps a pinedoctor away
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[2013-09-23 13:58:11] env
current path: /Users/cheba/.rvm/src/rbx-head
command(8): env /Users/cheba/.rvm/wrappers/ruby-2.0.0-p247/ruby ./configure --prefix=/Users/cheba/.rvm/rubies/rbx-head --with-opt-dir=/usr/local/opt/libyaml --with-opt-dir=/usr/local/opt/readline --with-opt-dir=/usr/local/opt/libksba --with-opt-dir=/usr/local/opt/openssl
/Users/cheba/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247@global/gems/bundler-1.3.5/lib/bundler/resolver.rb:296:in `resolve': Could not find gem 'rubinius-ast (~> 2.0) ruby' in the gems available on this machine. (Bundler::GemNotFound)
from /Users/cheba/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247@global/gems/bundler-1.3.5/lib/bundler/resolver.rb:168:in `start'
from /Users/cheba/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247@global/gems/bundler-1.3.5/lib/bundler/resolver.rb:129:in `block in resolve'
from /Users/cheba/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247@global/gems/bundler-1.3.5/lib/bundler/resolver.rb:128:in `catch'
from /Users/cheba/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247@global/gems/bundler-1.3.5/lib/bundler/resolver.rb:128:in `resolve'
from /Use
__disable_threadsignal 1
__mac_syscall 1
__semwait_signal 1
access 1
audit_session_self 1
bsdthread_create 1
bsdthread_register 1
bsdthread_terminate 1
exit 1
pointlessone / gist:5886974
Created June 28, 2013 18:39
Rubinius Crash Report #rbxcrashreport
Rubinius Crash Report #rbxcrashreport
Error: signal SIGSEGV
[[System Info]]
sysname: Darwin
nodename: Ches-MBP.local
release: 12.4.0
pointlessone / Rakefile
Last active December 10, 2015 07:48 — forked from anonymous/.rvmrc
HPMoR epub e-book builder task It requires Nokogiri and gepub gems.
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
require 'fileutils'
require 'gepub'
desc "Fetch the book from"
task :fetch do
unless File.exists? 'book-source/images/cover.jpg'
require 'bootstrap-sass'
# This configuration file works with both the Compass command line tool and within Rails.
# Require any additional compass plugins here.
project_type = :rails
# Set this to the root of your project when deployed:
http_path = "/"
# You can select your preferred output style here (can be overridden via the command line):
pointlessone / .rubinius_last_error
Created October 5, 2011 17:33
Rubinius Crash Report #rbxcrashreport
Rubinius Crash Report #rbxcrashreport
Error: signal SIGSEGV
0 vm 0x0000000109862a76 _ZN8rubiniusL12segv_handlerEi + 486
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8698ecfa _sigtramp + 26
2 ??? 0x000000000000001a 0x0 + 26
3 ??? 0x000000010b8b3ec3 0x0 + 4488642243
4 vm 0x0000000109869f16 _ZN8rubinius11InlineCache11empty_cacheEPNS_2VMEPS0_PNS_9CallFrameERNS_9ArgumentsE + 504
pointlessone / command
Created September 28, 2011 09:40
Rubinius Crash Report #rbxcrashreport
rvm install rbx -- --enable-version=1.9,1.8 --default-version=1.9
Rubinius Crash Report #rbxcrashreport
Error: signal SIGSEGV
0 rbx 0x000000010000fd01 _ZN8rubiniusL12segv_handlerEi + 241
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff88cbe1ba _sigtramp + 26
2 ??? 0xffffffffffffffff 0x0 + 18446744073709551615
3 rbx 0x00000001000ef298 _ZN8rubinius8CallUnit4Info9auto_markEPNS_6ObjectERNS_10ObjectMarkE + 600
4 rbx 0x00000001001b6835 _ZN8rubinius16GarbageCollector11scan_objectEPNS_6ObjectE + 165
2: CC vm/util/dlmalloc.c
2: CC vm/util/sha1.c
2: CC vm/util/strlcat.cpp
2: CC vm/util/strlcpy.cpp
2: CC vm/util/time.c
2: CC vm/virtual.cpp
2: CC vm/vm.cpp
2: CC vm/vmmethod.cpp
{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:103522: Error: undefined symbol `.LLSDATT8051' in operation
[2011-05-25 15:27:17] /home/deployer/.rvm/wrappers/ree-1.8.7-2011.03/rake install
NOTE: Gem::Specification#default_executable= is deprecated with no replacement. It will be removed on or after 2011-10-01.
Gem::Specification#default_executable= called from /home/deployer/.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2011.03@global/specifications/rake-0.8.7.gemspec:10.
NOTE: Gem::Specification#default_executable= is deprecated with no replacement. It will be removed on or after 2011-10-01.
Gem::Specification#default_executable= called from /home/deployer/.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2011.03@global/specifications/rubygems-update-1.8.1.gemspec:11.
NOTE: Gem::Specification#default_executable= is deprecated with no replacement. It will be removed on or after 2011-10-01.
Gem::Specification#default_executable= called from /home/deployer/.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2011.03/specifications/rake-0.8.7.gemspec:10.
NOTE: Gem::Specification#default_executable= is deprecated with no replacement. It will be removed on or after 2011-10-01.