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Rodrigo Pombo pomber

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pomber / DOM.js
Last active April 25, 2017 21:35
// Get an element by id
const domRoot = document.getElementById("root");
// Create a new element given a tag name
const domInput = document.createElement("input");
// Set properties
domInput["type"] = "text";
domInput["value"] = "Hi world";
domInput["className"] = "my-class";
// Listen to events
domInput.addEventListener("change", e => alert(;
const element = {
type: "div",
props: {
id: "container",
children: [
{ type: "input", props: { value: "foo", type: "text" } },
{ type: "a", props: { href: "/bar" } },
{ type: "span", props: {} }
<div id="container">
<input value="foo" type="text">
<a href="/bar"></a>
function render(element, parentDom) {
const { type, props } = element;
const dom = document.createElement(type);
const childElements = props.children || [];
childElements.forEach(childElement => render(childElement, dom));
function render(element, parentDom) {
const { type, props } = element;
const dom = document.createElement(type);
const isListener = name => name.startsWith("on");
Object.keys(props).filter(isListener).forEach(name => {
const eventType = name.toLowerCase().substring(2);
dom.addEventListener(eventType, props[name]);
const reactElement = {
type: "span",
props: {
children: ["Foo"]
const textElement = {
type: "span",
props: {
children: [
props: { nodeValue: "Foo" }
function render(element, parentDom) {
const { type, props } = element;
// Create DOM element
const isTextElement = type === "TEXT ELEMENT";
const dom = isTextElement
? document.createTextNode("")
: document.createElement(type);
// Add event listeners
const element = {
type: "div",
props: {
id: "container",
children: [
{ type: "input", props: { value: "foo", type: "text" } },
type: "a",
props: {
href: "/bar",